
  1. n13L5

    ASPA - Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis - none since 3.0. Not one...

    For this subject, the only posts I could find were ancient - from 2.3. I read where you were "supposed" to get them back then: Boom State systems with high population in either USS, Hi-Res or CZ by scanning ships. But lets not talk specifically about ASPA's just yet: The problem starts long...
  2. Ortem Ed Der


    Estoy buscando con el Escáner de Estelas de Distorsion ANÁLISIS DE PATRONES DE ESCUDO ABERRANTES, pero llevo varias horas y no encuentro ninguna, me hacen falta 5. ¿Ha cambiado algo? (Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis Data Rare)
  3. kenwshmt

    General / Off-Topic meet your enemy, well, somoeones enemy, lets hope they all fire first, eh?

    http://furyofaseraph.deviantart.com/art/Klingon-Fleet-180946732 I expect everything, even the communication lasers, to be used when anything drops from warp. I hate stupid enemeys.. much, much larger image. http://furyofaseraph.deviantart.com/art/Klingon-Fleet-180946732
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