
  1. SanRazo618

    The Sun Bear disrespect has got to stop!

    Hey everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I have been playing zoo games my whole life and love Planet Zoo and the potential it still has! I've noticed a lot of disrespect thrown the way of the Sun Bear's inclusion into the game. A lot of people saying, "It's just another bear!" Well...
  2. Spiderhawk

    Potential for more: Bears

    Hey everybody. I wanted to discuss potential for other members of animal families we currently have in game. I thought about what continents, biomes, themes we do not have for a certain animal family. I want to see what other __ can be added that differ from continent/biomes of bears we already...
  3. L

    Ant farm - Bear Enclosure

    I wanted to combine the floating island idea with multi-level habitats that the visitors can view. First attempt, but have not seen anyone use the powerful Terrain Stamp Tool to carve out habitats yet so thought I would share it as it was surprisingly simple but could offer many possibilities...
  4. B

    Himalayan Brown Bear criticism

    I've missed the Reddit AMA, but I wanted to express my disappointment with this brown bear subspecies. I don't mind at all having different subspecies of the same animal in the game - it adds the needed diversity. Plus, it's a really cool and unexpected subspecies to choose for the main roster...
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