bug fix

  1. J

    Bought all DLC, cant access it

    I bought all the dlc for planet zoo but i can’t acces any of the dlc animals in franchise mode. I Can use them in sandbox mode. But not in franchise mode. I Can use dlc buildings etc. I franchise mode. But nothing else. Playing on PS5
  2. P

    Bug fix suggestion + bug report

    I don't know if it's a one off or if it will happen every time, but I had a reactivation that wouldn't update; both the optional scavenger killing objective wouldn't update nor would the main objective of reactivating the settlement. I decided to leave to main menu and log back in, the...
  3. B

    A suggestion every single player with agree with...

    Fix the game? Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top. The number of times I've been to a crash site and had to relog not once, not twice, not even three times, but four times before the item I need spawns in is becoming a real problem. I almost don't want to take those missions because it...
  4. E

    This player is already in the team

    Hello everyone, recently my friend switched from Legacy Horizon to regular Horizon, I decided to help him with farming and wanted to invite him to multi creew, but when I want to invite him, I get a message that this player is already in the team, which is not true.
  5. Wazoubel1911

    Daytime selector needs fixing...

    Look, I love the fact that we have the ability to change the daytime in sandbox, but in some maps like the Biosyn Sanctuary "daytime" is actually dusk/sunset. The park is always too dark because of the Sun's position. So I think it would be nice if we had a little more specific selection, for...
  6. K

    No Guests appearing in Sandbox Mode

    Hey I’m posting this to see if anyone else has seen this. Has anyone ever had this we’re guests are said to be in the park but they don’t actually appear in your park walking around? I’ve only seen it in Sandbox mode after the Camp Cretaceous update and so if anyone else has seen/had/has this...
  7. C

    FIre Group Bugged

    Hello, I think my fire groups are bugged.. I have collector limpets and controller build in my ship because I wanna go and mine. And now I wanted to set them into fire groups but they aren't there.. Any suggestions?
  8. sauceSoja

    Let's be honest ...

    Hi Frontier, ED is amazing : I even bought the game 3 times, I buy ARX each month, I report issues and I encourage people to buy it. But there is something I miss here. On each update (the 7nd here) we are dealing with new bugs. We are not talking about really rare bugs only occuring with a...
  9. Salmonea

    When Frontier wants repair bug,create another one!

  10. C

    Minor improvement: Allow Black Box & Fetch missions when insufficient cargo space.

    Currently it's impossible to take on Black Box and other non-commodity fetch-style missions when your net available cargo capacity is less than the items you're being asked to gather. I can understand restricting the missions based on total cargo capacity, but having a hold full of limpets...
  11. L

    Data Link Scanner not working (already tried things in old posts)

    Hey there, I'm pretty stuck here because I can't scan anything. Going in a Bounty Hunter mission, it says "Scan a NAV beacon to get info on targets location", I go there, I approach the Beacon (basically 5 metres from it), select it, hard deploy turrets, going into scan mode, going to a Fire...
  12. ManlyVIK

    FC Limpet restock bug fix

    After waiting 1 week for the decommissioning... (why, FDev?) I just bought a new one today and everything works.
  13. Hadrian Augustus Duval

    Carrier stickers mirrored.

    From Drake class fleet carrier, the original one. All the letter on the yellow plate.
  14. J

    Keyboard has completely stopped working in new patch - can't play at all

    Ever since the new patch, I cannot use my keyboard in-game. I've tried several keyboards. I've uninstalled and tested the game without Razer software (I use a Razer Cynosa keyboard). I've uninstalled and re-installed all C++ redistributables. I've uninstalled NVidia experience. The game...
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