extinct animals

  1. O

    CRISPR Gene Editing and future Extinct Animal DLCs

    This is going to be controversial. The Thylacine/Tasmanian tiger is being planned to be brought back from the dead. Multiple relatively recently extinct animals could follow. Endangered animals (Black footed ferret) are already being cloned to enhance genetic diversity and give their species a...
  2. C

    Animal and Zoo Suggestions

    We need a greater variety of birds~ Bolded are the ones I want to see most. It would be cool to have an aviary sector in my zoos. I'd also like to see birds, amphibians and reptiles lay eggs because just seeing them pop into existence breaks my immersion. Secretary Bird Emu Harpy Eagle Kiwi...
  3. Firestar97

    Woolly Mammoth Sculptures

    I've reconstructed a Woolly Mammoth in 2 different Poses. I wanted to also make a juvenile Mammoth but due to the smaller facial Features it didn't work https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2407008582&searchtext=Wollhaarmammut...
  4. Pixelated Sparkster

    The De-extinction program, Eggs, and Surrogate mothers

    Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. I was hoping to brainstorm an idea on how to introduce a de-extinction program for planet zoo if the game wishes to introduce extinct animals, and I want to think of some new gameplay mechanics that could help not only make it interesting but also...
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