
  1. CMDR The Riz

    I Tested the New Rapid Fire Phasing Multicannons... They're Crazy.

    Ok, I've been looking forward to these since the Fed v. Grom CG last year and I will say they have been worth the wait. First, their stats: I slapped two of these on my Courier's nacelles and a regular Short Range Blaster | Corrosive Multicannon in the nose for some fun. Initial Haz Res tests...
  2. B

    Weapons (Gimballed Beam Lasers) wont fire when on target

    Ok....I just got destroyed for the 2nd time and wonder if any of you veterans can help me. Im a relative newb to combat i admit but this has never happend to me before and I just lost my Dolphin twice.....Im reluctant to try out my FDL and lose that too. So situation is - My lasers will fire...
  3. Roope00

    More fire buttons

    I'm sure this has been brought up a LOT, and with good reason. It's been years since the game was released and we still only have two fire buttons. Let us have at least three fire buttons, FDev please. [cry] EDIT: What I personally had in mind with this feature was to be able to have an extra...
  4. Syze00

    Can we please get a 3rd option in fire groups?

    My x52 HOTAS have more buttons than I know what to do with. I would love it if I could assign 3 different buttons/actions into one fire group instead of the two action cap. Lets say your mining; one fire group could hold the prospecting limpet, collector limpet, and the mining laser all in one...
  5. T

    No Fire Zone: Request to Open Fire

    I've had following scenario happen to me couple of times in Elite. I get interdicted I submit and drop from hyperspace The attacking ship is too much for me to handle so I run I get to a safe port only for the offending ship to drop out next to me. The ship intends to finish what it started...
  6. RNGesus Prime

    Fines for shooting outside no fire zone.

    I'm not sure if anyone else is having this, but the two instances I fired at wanted ships near a station I got a 100cr fine for firing inside the no fire zone. The first time I was 500m out and the wanted ship was just inside the zone. The second time I was 1km out (and facing away from the...
  7. Leolph

    Anaconda + Turreted Cannons are farming bounties that I can't get rid of ?!

    So, here is the plot: I have an Anaconda with H Beamlasers (gimballed) and 3 L Cannons, which are turreted. The last days I wanted to farm some materials and a bit cargo in my favorite system with all pristine rings, so I flew into a RES and started mining. Usually after some minutes some...
  8. [VR] Captain_Obvious

    Re-think friendly fire handling

    So far there are quite a few problems with getting wanted by accidently fireing at clean vessels. The problem is, that you cannot deescalate the situation. The ship will fire back at you, if you have fighter out in defend-mode, it will fire back again, you will get wanted, police ships will...
  9. n13L5

    With new crime system, Friend or Foe modulation shouldn't cost you damage output anymore...

    You can only really play combat missions or bounty hunt in Anarchy systems now, unless you want to be ed over by the game - in a way that costs you a lot of time - real time you can't get back. I'm aware of people who are in love with this "consequences" thing and they're welcome to...
  10. B

    Friendly Fire, Automated Combat, and Police

    So I just lost 5mil to replace my Beluga today because the cops decided to turn on me over a 200CR assault bounty that I randomly gained (Don't ask why I was bounty hunting in a Beluga). I've had the exact same thing happen before in Keelback. Granted, of the hundreds of bounty vouchers I've...
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