fix it

  1. I

    wanted system needs fixing

    In a settlement, I scanned one of the guards, they had a bounty so they started shooting me, then I killed them and claimed the bounty and then all of the others started shooting me (they didnt have a bounty)
  2. C

    Elite Dangerous Horizons : SRV issue!

    So I have elite dangerous odyssey and my friend has Horizons he is just starting out, he was having a problem of getting to the thargoid crash site to get his sensor fragments. SO I said let's hop in my ship I can take you there fast and and farm them and get to hang out and go back to the...
  3. D

    A Review to Frontiers Elite Dangerous Client and its "nice" Download Rates

    I never before expirienced such a mess of a download Rate in ANY Client there is out there. To be Fair most Clients cant handel Downloads really well, but it never has been that ing bad. I downloaded the "Game" [Steam (20.2 GB on Drive)] in like 10 Minutes and then i have to download the...
  4. microwar


    Game crashes constantly. Can only play for 20-40 sec before it stutters and then drops to desktop. Was able to play a few days ago, but now i had 5-6 crashes within 6-7 minutes. This happens more and more often lately. It was perfectly fine back in the days when i had a crash every 3-4 hours...
  5. CMDR_Raikkonen

    Multicrew needs love / fixing: FSS

    I haven't used multi crew in the game proper since it first launched, mainly because it was just so clunky to do anything and largely redundant. Could anybody tell me if crew can use FSS and can they use it while the helm is moving through supercruise? Or does the helm still have to stop...
  6. R

    Aphabetic order for all non english languages of the filter list for animals in animal trade center.

    FIXED Can the filter list inside of animals inside the animal trade center be change to alphabetic order for all non-English languages, its quite annoying to search for the animal that you want to filter. I attached a screenshot to show where i am talking about. I hope more people agree with me!
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