
  1. Kleckerklotz

    Some thoughts about immersion + ideas

    First of all, I have to say: I love Elite Dangerous. Sound design is AAA (++), game depth is AAA, graphics are AAA, effects are AAA. Nothing to mention here. Therefore every following comment is meant to be constructive criticism. And you might guess where it's going. I'm going to talk about...
  2. CMDR Jean Bart

    Suggestions to alleviate some frustrations

    Last night I spent a lot of my time gathering research data for Ram Tah, after turning all of that data in I was surprised with by credit balance not reflecting the reward I got from Ram Tah. Turned out that the crew I left at station took an absolutely huge cut of my reward, even though all...
  3. n13L5

    Ended last night on positive Federation move @80% - tonight upon logging in, I get negative move @79%

    Ended last night on positive Federation move @80% - tonight upon logging in, I get negative move @79% Is this how fast the DECAY system starts to kill what you did dozens of repetitive missions for? I haven't played since the decay system came in, but I never thought it would be this bad, that...
  4. C

    Mission Frustrations (Passenger and otherwise)

    Ok, this drives me absolutely crazy... Please, remove the "different destination" from passenger missions. It is absolutely infuriating to try to fill a ship with passengers going to the same area, then after an hour of gathering passengers to deliver, they all randomly decide they want to go...
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