graphic design

  1. G

    Anti Aliasing + HD Unexplorable planets

    Anti Aliasing and HD Unexplorable plantes were the key points for the Elite Dangerous that never taken seriously, but with the odyssey, the game's graphics looks unprofessional because of the Anti Aliasing and not HD planets(Unexplorable). Frontier... PLEASE -With Respects, your dear players.
  2. SpannerWindwood

    [art style/world building] is there a function to these buttons?

    I was looking at some of the concept art of the game and found the early concept for the cockpit seat, as an early concept it has a central physical display that probably would have worked as the 3 separated holographic displays that we have now. but the topic is not about it, but instead...
  3. CMDR Outsider GFX


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