
  1. Pixelated Sparkster

    Could the research menu be updated to match the building set chosen in sandbox mode?

    When doing research in any building set in sandbox mode, you will be seeing the standard research pages that use the Jurassic World buildings. The menus would not only display images appropriate to the building set like Jurassic World Hotel and Jurassic World shelter but would also show the...
  2. eN0x

    General [BTW] Huge Improvment Suggestion for the ED Univers

    Hello Everyone and especially The Admin and Producer Team Me and my Friends Bought ED Since it was in Alpha Stage and we love this kind of flight simulator in unknown worlds. I haven't invested a lot of time for the game, which has its reasons which will be included in this post. I would like...
  3. A

    [Suggestion] Menu / button to see quickly the favorites things of the animal's specie

    Like Zoo Tycoon 2, a menu (or a button to set the animal's specie's name as filter) to view quickly all the foods, optimizations, etc, of the animal.
  4. Packo Jacko

    Menú de los controles - AYUDA PARA DONDE HAY QUE PEDIRLO

    Buenas pájaros, Todos estamos muy contentos de que por fin podamos estirar las piernas con la próxima expansión, aunque las misiones sean un pelín difíciles (ir a recoger un documento sea más peligroso que cruzar el Amazonas en pelotas y solo con un paquete de chicles), el caso es que las...
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