
  1. Danielbetu

    It is necessary to fix the pulse wave analyzer.

    I spend a lot of time dodging asteroids and continuously activating the pulse wave analyzer, and among the hundreds of asteroids this marks the most relevant ones, being the ones with the most vivid colors the ones that have the most minerals (most valuable) it should be like this but it is not...
  2. M

    Ships Colonia Space left out i n the cold AGAIN?

    [where is it] I have just decided to give this "new fangled" and definately overly complicated mining "a go"! I have been struggling as it is to understand the new UI separation (between combat and "scanning"?), but after assurances that being out "in the black" wouldn't leave us "Alternative...
  3. D

    Faction based weapons

    I just recently found out about faction specific weapons. I am allied to Felicia Winters for over 6 months now and am a post Commander rank. Where do I find the pulse disruptor for Felicia Winters group? I've read posts and they all say that as long as you qualify, they can be found anywhere but...
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