
  1. ojrask

    On-foot goods not displayed as lost when killed while on-foot

    When you die, the redeployment screen will show what cargo you lost in the event of your ship getting wrecked. Now, when I'm raiding a settlement on-foot and have gathered stuff, I would like for the redeployment screen to show that I lost those things from my backpack, as opposed me getting...
  2. ArgentSable

    Odyssey Settlement Layouts

    Heya folks! I'm going to try and crowdsource some help with a mini-project. I'm looking for daylight aerial photos of Odyssey Settlements, so I can do grid overlays and map common locations, so that when I run raids and missions with other commanders we can direct each other a bit better. If...
  3. OnTheMinute

    Attack on Meene

    What do you guys think of this failed raid of Phoenix Base? They speculate that it was potentially an attempt to steal materials but I have this feeling that is was the cult of the Fargod. I know they were cleared of the negative allegations against them but something tells me they are still not...
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