
  1. CMDR Texas Stu

    Engine noise too loud when SFX high enough to hear ships/USS audio notifications (HoH)

    Greetings! Backstory: I'm an aging commander who was complaining about no audio notification for USS ('Discovered new signal source' in supercruise) BEFORE finding out that at ~30% SFX volume (options>audio on PC) I simply cannot hear them over ambient/engine noise. Turning up percentage to...
  2. M

    In-Development ED Score - Alternative Soundtrack and AI Companion tool

    Project purpose The working title of the project is "ED Score", and the main purpose of the tool is to offer an application that reads ED Logs and plays a dynamic soundtrack accordingly. One soundtrack that I'm writing since mid 2016 and in the future a functionnality that will allow players to...
  3. M

    Discussion [CLOSED] E:D Score and suggestion : realtime event log

    Hey ED Dev team, hey guys... I'm working on a side project of mine based on Elite Dangerous and I recently encountered an issue that I hadn't anticipated. Let me explain... Project purpose The working title of the project is "ED Score", and the main purpose of the tool is to offer an...
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