srv combat

  1. Flimley

    The time has come for the SRV ultimate tuning.

    Greetings Everyone. It is time to upgrade our dreary SRV's mechanicals and visuals. Not only to our personal liking, but to better suit our specific requirements ! Wether your racing, or upgrading for combat or exploration? A few new engineers could supply what you need. Flimley says yes!! \o/...
  2. N

    SRVs: Rework the Scorpion and create a new one for ExoBio

    I'm not going to really say much about the Scarab, because it really is a good general purpose vehicle. Unfortunately, the Scorpion was given to the players for combat, and to put it plainly, it's not good at it. I will give it some credit though. It does handle better than the Scarab, the...
  3. Cmdr Isson Kiporto

    Some gameplay ideas for the floor...

    Hello, I recently had three ideas for ground gameplay that I think would be interesting to implement in the game in future years : 1) A horn for srv : It is very annoying when you are rolling with your scarab on the roads of a ground base (Odyssey), you pass over a very narrow bridge and in...
  4. DoppelShifter

    [Doppel's Diatribes #3] That second SRV was great (...mostly), but we still need a few more

    Preface: if you don't know what a Doppel Diatribe is, read here. Today we'll talk about the SRV niches left uncovered, and even some that Odyssey's new careers actually created new demands for. So. Our dear Scarab was essentially a futuristic, upgraded moon rover, and while sometimes a bit...
  5. Herlev

    About the new SRV...

    I'm very confused as to what purpose exactly this new SRV will be filling. That's because the current SRV is a multi-purpose vehicle allowing you to do any and all vehicle related content in the game. So if we already have a vehicle that does everything, it means that the new one will have a...
  6. T

    Suggested feature: NPC using SRVs for combat, defense or running away

    I just wanted to add my two cents for... well, gameplay fun. I know there are already many, but I haven't heard much about this type: NPCs SRV combat. After lots of combat missions, being anihilate missions or murdering missions for example, I'm missing something obvious: that NPCs can drive...
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