
  1. L

    Superpower weekly ranking...

    Sorry if this has been covered but I have searched (Trigger warning snowflakes...I'm about to use CAPS) EVERYWHERE!!! I'm wondering on what criteria the superpowers are ranked each week. Not MY superpower rank, I'm talking about Hudson, Mahon, Grom, etc... What must happen for them to move up or...
  2. Justinian Octavius

    Powerplay Faction: Zemina Torval Official Zemina Torval Powerplay Group Discord

    Official Zemina Torval Group Discord The official Zemina Torval Powerplay Group is on discord and this is where we coordinate supporters' actions & socialise. Thus, if you are interested in learning more about the Empire's Trading & Mining Power than...
  3. W

    Benefits of being allied to superpowers (Federation/Empire/Alliance)?

    Some time ago, being allied to a superpower meant that you were automatically allied with any minor factions who followed the superpower, which was awesome. However, this was changed (which in my opinion is a shame and sort of unrealistic) and being allied with a superpower no longer means that...
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