
  1. WDX

    Nav Panel and System Map Changes regarding Fleet Carriers

    This post proposes 3 changes — each with a "current" and "modified" version. Navigation Panel This is what the nav panel currently look like. All carriers (except your own) have the same colour. Graying out non-landables would make it easier to select which carriers to land on as you can skip...
  2. O

    Is station services info gone?

    Hi all, Playing basic horizons on a PC in VR. Been away from the game since the "space legs" rollout. Seems that info about station services has been... removed? changed? moved somewhere else? Can't seem to find anyone else with this problem. Is there a new setting somewhere? Any help or...
  3. kromit

    Galaxy Map Mouseover Pop-Up Is Bad Usability And Need To Go

    Sorry if this was already mentioned, but this "feature" drives me nuts. I do understand the reason for this from the developer point of view and why it is still there historically, but as a user I do literally hate this feature every time I open the galaxy map. It is currently very difficult...
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