
  1. Jibroni Gibironi

    A simple cost effective way around these timers

    :unsure: Would be to simply allow me to use my own cargo racks to ship it with me. It doesn't seem like I can, and if I can't, then I don't know why no one at Frontier even thought of it, unless they are just sadists who enjoys seeing people suffer through these 15-30 minute...
  2. Jibroni Gibironi

    Now I see one reason why they want space legs

    😒 To "justify" all the obnoxious timers in the game. Instead of just sitting there twidling my thumbs for 15-30 minutes waiting for a transfer or something, I could be off doing other meaningful things in the station itself. I'd much rather they remove the timers entirely, but maybe they can...
  3. n13L5

    Asking for a more customer friendly downtime implementation

    Just had a horrible experience with the last downtime. The following suggestions would alleviate the problems: - With flight times to some stations far exceeding 30 minutes, a 30 minute warning is simply not enough. Solution: Give a 1, 2 or 3 hour warning - One may have gone to the bathroom or...
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