
  1. Pixelated Sparkster

    Troodon and Dromaeosaurs to form social circles

    Back in Jurassic World Evolution 1, dinosaurs had this shared social interaction where members of a species would gather together into a circle and chatter amongst one another in that circle. It was weird and artificial to see every dinosaur that wasn't a large carnivore perform this social...
  2. A

    With Compsognathus confirmed for 1993 DLC, will Troodon get new sounds?

    Troodon uses many sounds that were originally made by compies in TLW and JP3, and now that we're actually getting compies I've been wondering if Troodon will get new sounds so it doesn't share the same ones with the compies???
  3. G

    Dinosaurs Troodon sleeping more during the day and more awake at night

    Update 1.8. allows dinosaurs to sleep a bit more often than during the day. But since the troodon in both Jurassic Park: The Game and Ark: Survival Evolved, their troodons, both of which are ironically both poisonous like here in Jurassic World Evolution, are both nocturnal in nature, I was...
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