
  1. F

    Titans are neigh impossible to engage with

    I was under engineered, but fast enough and made it. Now to beat the final boss of instances sticking. o7
  2. microwar


    Game crashes constantly. Can only play for 20-40 sec before it stutters and then drops to desktop. Was able to play a few days ago, but now i had 5-6 crashes within 6-7 minutes. This happens more and more often lately. It was perfectly fine back in the days when i had a crash every 3-4 hours...
  3. microwar

    Constant crash.

    Started yesterday and is ongoing. Games crashes from 30 sec to 2 min into startup. Cant play anymore. Worked perfectly 2 days ago, and nothing changed on my end. Sent in crashreport every time, and also a bugreport.
  4. Cetegus Morr

    Lowest Settings and still can't play 30 seconds without a crash to desktop

    Come on, FDev! It's still unplayable for me. I got a strong rig, ran it on ultra before and now cut down to low to get any where ... and can't play longer than 30 seconds still without a crash to desktop. Yes, all drivers updated, yes, error reports and system specs posted to you. It is just...
  5. F

    Keepers STILL not feeding animals

    Title pretty much says it all. My first zoo fell apart because keepers weren't feeding the animals. Thought it was my mistake so I started a new zoo, and as a trial decided to just build the first exhibit and see if I encounter the same problem and I am. I've tried all the "solutions" offered...
  6. Jermanicus

    Today's Play

    Spent a few hours today mentoring a friend who recently got the game. Within those few hours... Multi-Crew didn't work, no matter what we tried; We were fined after autolaunch time out; Autolaunch rammed my ship into the side of the station causing damage to my ship; Launching the Galaxy Map...
  7. Sethioz

    All missions are impossible now?

    I don't know what is going on, but after the last update all missions seem to be impossible. I have a fully kitted out Anaconda, well 7C shield with 4 boosters, all modified at engineers for extra durability. I have like 5 hull reinforcements packages too. So I took a mission to assassinate...
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