
  1. CMDR Cosmic Spacehead

    C&P Is A Joke

    No wonder people turn off crimes! I accidentally left mine on, in Shinrarta Dezhra, and promptly got attacked by a load of people. Security show up, eventually, and proceed to try to scan me first. Then kinda just floated about, trying to scan all the other ships, which are all going pretty...
  2. T

    Lower "Hot Module" Cleaning costs, or Better, Remove them entirely.

    Yep, its a whiny one, sorry folks. Hot modules are a cash shink like no other. Yet another "You can't play like that unless you've done 3+ years of grind" barrier. Thats the most irritating part. Being punished by a game which advertises "Blaze your own trail" in the tagline. Gating off...
  3. AL TARF

    Fuel Scoop engineer upgrades useless?

    Am I the only one thinking that the only available Fuel Scoop engineer upgrade - "Integrity" is completely useless? I didn't notice this upgrade until recently I saw it and got excited ( Fuel scoop is among few things you absolutely must have to explore the galaxy properly, and I'm the explorer...
  4. andyseam

    move ships from single player to muliplayer?

    Hi Been waiting a long time for this mother of all sequels.. Anyway could we play in single player mode.... build up cash...weapons.....equip our ships ....then load this said ship with the cash we have into multiplayer mode....... my only concern otherwise is that players starting from stratch...
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