
  1. T

    Lower "Hot Module" Cleaning costs, or Better, Remove them entirely.

    Yep, its a whiny one, sorry folks. Hot modules are a cash shink like no other. Yet another "You can't play like that unless you've done 3+ years of grind" barrier. Thats the most irritating part. Being punished by a game which advertises "Blaze your own trail" in the tagline. Gating off...
  2. M

    New upgrade System - "Your time is valueable"- is a pure grind and waste of everyones time

    If you watched the stream of today you saw that they showed off the new system.To make things short. Forcing us to roll a module 5 times to "complete" rank 1 to progess further to rank 2 is just a waste of time and material as it is waste of time finding all those material. The materials...
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