xbox one games

  1. MSG187

    Steam - Frontier Login failure

    Anyone have any trouble logging into ED - Commander Edition? I got it as a gift - played for years on XBOX. When I log in with my Frontier Account - it tells me I have to buy the game. It will not log in and link the gift I received.
  2. A

    Newcomer / Intro Xbox One Update = Best Game EDver!

    So I'm back but this time its to admit that I may have spoken too soon. Last week this game sucked hard and was unplayable on the Xbox console. This week there was an update (update times can vary depending on timezones and locations) The bugs are gone and everything is slightly better. Graphics...
  3. A

    Newcomer / Intro Best worst game on xbox one.

    Can no longer reply to my own thread because I was trolled out and finally gave in replying to the troll and now im blocked from it despite having reported him multiple times. What a stupid rule that is. SO back to what I was saying about this game. Its awful and there are a million reasons why...
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