
  1. S

    Biological Pulse-Wave Analyser: The tool every Xenobiologist wants and needs!

    Inspired by u/Tragicbadger 's post Spot the Bacterium! on the r/EliteDangerous subreddit and with my own and many other explorers quest for every biological signal I wish to present the concept of the (drum-roll please)... The Biological Pulse-Wave Analyser (Ta-Da) The regular Pulse Wave...
  2. RisingZulu

    Sirius INC & SI Terraforming Stance on the Ongoing Community Goals

    We are monitoring the situation, however, we disagree with the way Frontier have decided both SINC and SI Terraforming's stance on the Thargoid presence in our systems without first consulting us. Sirius INC and SI Terraforming have only deployed forces to escort civilian transports back to main...
  3. A

    Active barnacles with Thargoid markings indicating different hives or clans?

    I was exploring HIP 22460 and I came across some active barnacles via the FSS that seem to be acting strangely (I can't remember which planet specifically has them and I'm at work right now so I'll have to update this when I get back into my ship). ! I should also mention that I was harrassed...
  4. Gendo Ashina

    Information on artist that designed the alien life in the game?

    I'm doing my thesis this semester and a big part of my influence comes the xenobiology and design of alien life in Elite. I'm looking for art portfolio's with concept art of the organics that appear in space and on the surface. Also any links to interviews with the art team regarding their...
  5. Kissamies

    Biological signals to the SRV wave scanner

    Some Odyssey biologicals, especially the bacteria, can be pretty frustrating to search for. The draw distance comes pretty heavily into play too. As you need to travel a bit to archieve the genetic diversity, it's quite natural to use the SRV and the SRV should have some tools to help beside...
  6. A

    Xeno samples required by scientists of Colonia

    Hi, First sry if the title is not the same as in Galnet. I just wanted to avoid people from raging about a broken feature and make them save some time: research limpets on moving target. Because when interceptors detect the samples, they turn to grab them and the interceptor hitbox just collide...
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