0 population systems with factions

That's probably a (historic) journal or 3rd-party data bug - look at the "factions updated" date of 2017 compared with the system update this morning. I suspect if you go there now you'll find no factions at all.

There have been occasional real cases of it, and they've generally represented something interesting.

thargoid footprint
While a Thargoid-controlled system is technically zero-population with factions, the game largely suppresses the display of the factions until it's recaptured.
(Good guess, but that specific one isn't under Thargoid control)
There have been occasional real cases of it, and they've generally represented something interesting.
Is that why there are some systems with 0 population and, say, a terraforming economy? I’ve noticed one or two of those just travelling through the Bubble, mostly just by noticing the jump info display for them looks different and then looking closer at the system in question.

They also tend to have zero population. As if it’s just robots working on turning a planet habitable prior to colonization.
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