2 things I feel with the buildings

1. The regular fences always need to be really far away from the path. This is annoying when I'm trying to make a building/viewing gallery where you have a massive gap between the wall pieces and glass.

2. I find that there's a great lack of more zoo-like building pieces. The sets we have in-game rn are beautiful but many are quite theme-park-like. More zoo-like pieces for things like meshes, barriers, and cages would be much appreciated.
1. The regular fences always need to be really far away from the path. This is annoying when I'm trying to make a building/viewing gallery where you have a massive gap between the wall pieces and glass.
Mmm, I don't have that problem and I can place the barriers very close to the path. I usually build the fence first and then the path. Maybe that helps.
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Or use null barriers and create custom fences out of construction pieces. A solution to so many things could be scaling. There are a ton of pieces that would theoretically fit by their look, but their scale doesn't fit then.
Do you mean barriers are not close to the paths? There are a couple of ways I handle it:
Create your habitat barrier out of the null first, which allows you to get very close to the path, then swtich to the barrier type you want. You may have to adjust the barrier individually but I've generally found that method allows me to get pretty close.
The other is to create the habitat barrier first, then use 'snap to barrier' on your path, which also brings it pretty close.

Finally, of course, is creating a null barrier and using construction pieces to make the animal proof fencing.
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