Patch Notes Update Elite Dangerous: Horizons patch 2.0.06

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Brett C

Greetings commanders! We have an update on the way this morning. We expect for the downtime to last for up to an hour starting at 10AM GMT+0.

Below are the changes! Enjoy!

General Changes
- OSX: Fix OSX users not being able to save bindings
- Stop excessive wheel damage causing an insta-kill on the SRV
- Fix for an error in Ship Landing Sensors
- If a POI spawner gets replicated to us and we are on a platform that does not support it, then put it into an invalid state which will cause it to do nothing
- Fix for data link scanner not scanning when the option 'Firing deploys hardpoints' is disabled
- i Sola Prospect in the Brestla star system now always stocks all ships and modules
- Never display the online/offline status of members of large private groups
- Fix the level of demand shown in Commodity Markets when the stock level reaches 0
- Various server performance and reliability improvements

Close Quarters Combat
- Fix an error on the server when a Deathmatch game starts
- Fix the splash at the end of a game showing incorrect results
- Fix the team balancing to account for player rank correctly
- Fix a server error for when a player joins shortly after the lobby enters the initialising state
- Make sure we don't mark a CQC game as about to end when its in the loading state
- Adjusted how teams are set up in CQC games so make them more balanced
- If someone joins a CQC match when the current game has less than 1 minute left, then have them wait on the lobby screen for the next match instead of joining a game about to end
- Hold on to CQC spawn points for longer to avoid spawning on top of a ship
- Lowered the min damage threshold for getting an assist on a player in CQC
- Remove the first blood bonus from capture the flag mode
- Remove the highest score bonus from free-for-all games as the highest score will be the winner, so they ended up double dipping for XP when winning
- When you accept a pending CQC invite, then decline any other invite you have
- Fix CQC Loadouts not always being saved

- Updated translations for some languages.

Server Side Changes
- Fixed some missing Powerplay system effects
- Updated galactic mean commodity prices
Greetings commanders! We have an update on the way this morning. We expect for the downtime to last for up to an hour starting at 10AM GMT+0.

Below are the changes! Enjoy!

General Changes
- Stop excessive wheel damage causing an insta-kill on the SRV

That will make a lot of us on Distant Worlds very happy! Or sad.. it was a free ticket back for repairs for some.

Thank you! Keep up the good work :)
fixed the level of demand when it hits 0 (will be testing)

And what do various server fixes mean specifically or is it black box background sim stuff.
Great job. Looks like CQC has had a little love. I also lost the sweepstakes this morning about "how many posts before someone says 'what about xxxx' where xxxx isn't in the patch notes. Must be a HAPPY DAY today.
Any word on the Bragur situation?

When will the underlying bug be fixed? Will Bragur be allowed to proceed into becoming a control system? Will it be manually culled? Will it be retroactively removed?
can you stop doing updates on Tuesday morning! it ruins my week. unless of course you're going to fix my CMDR name not showing in the UI

me, me, me.....

seriously though, thanks for the changes.
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