3090 can't push more than 60 FPS inside a station in VR? (Reverb G2 and Quest 2)

I have both a Reverb G2 (recently acquired second-hand) and a Quest 2. Interestingly, the performance for a given level of visual quality is very similar between the two (but I'd give the Reverb G2 the edge in quality).

Ryzen 5800X3D, 32GB RAM, and a 3090 XC3 UItra

I've done a bunch of testing of both headsets to get the best visual quality and performance. My conclusion is that the 3090 can't push much more than 60 FPS without sacrificing a nice crisp image.

Quest 2

With the Quest 2 (using cable oculus link), I ended up almost maxing-out the resolution slider in the Oculus app (one or two notches below), and setting the refresh rate of the headset to 120 Hz, which basically forces ASW (reprojection) of 60 Hz. In game settings were VR Medium with no upscaling (I always kept supersampling and HMD quality at 1.0, and only changed resolution in Oculus app.). 60Hz reprojected to 120Hz felt pretty good and the maxed-out resolution was great (the only way to make it look good). But I noticed I had basically ZERO overhead at 60.

The Oculus app gives you options of 72Hz, 80Hz, 90Hz, and 120Hz. I tried running a native 72Hz (not reprojected), but could not maintain 72FPS in a station, no matter what in-game settings I used - and 36 FPS reprojected looked like crap, and only used 40-50% of my GPU.

Reverb G2 V2

Interestingly it's not any better than the Quest 2. By default, the render resolution of 100% seems to be the correct resolution to get a crisp image, so I left it at that. And while eyeing FPSVR, I played around with the in-game settings. In the VR High setting, my FPS was in the 40s. Even in VR Low/Medium, I could only achieve mid 50s. Ironically, setting it just to "High" (not VR) resulted in around 70 FPS. I narrowed it down to the AMD FSR setting - this seemed to be making the biggest difference, and having it set to "Ultra Quality" I couldn't get better than high 50s/low 60s. Lowering the supersampling to Quality gave me closer to 70 FPS (and that's why the "High" preset gave me 70 before).

Unfortunately without FSR on, the framerates were always in the 50s, but the image looked a lot nicer.

I couldn't find any other setting to improve this. Am I missing something? Should I just accept that to get a really good image I'll be stuck at 45FPS reprojected...even with a 3090?
This live or legacy? Can you post a capture of what you're seeing on fpsVR?
It's in Live. Here's a screenshot of FPSVR, in-game preset VR Medium. I scoured around youtube, and someone made a video 2 years back with a 3090/Reverb G2 and several games, including Elite (back then, it was pre 4.0). Most of the games he looked at were getting a solid 90FPS, Elite got 65. Makes me think this is normal, and Elite is just super extra demanding on the GPU?

vr med reverb g2.jpg
I never had a 3090 - only a measly 2070 so cant comment on what you can expect with that hardware. But you could look at individual graphics settings and not just the "VR medium" etc. I use a custom setting where all the stuff I cant really see (get benefit from with the res of the headset) is turned way down. Textures even are not at max quality, spot shadows are currently off as they flicker far too much etc.

I dont know if you have taken such an approach yet.

Edit: When that is said, its weird that FD is so consistant in NOT implementing stuff like DLSS or upgrading to FSR2. It would help a lot of the players in tight situations.
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There should be places where you can read the actual render resolution, in pixels, to better compare the work load between cases -- if you run your G2 through SteamVR, that would be right next to the "100%" at your resolution slider (...any in-game supersampling settings further modifies this resolution).

I personally run with Ambient Occlusion (game graphics options) Off, because it is a relatively performance-heavy post effect, which often (as it does in Elite) comes out wrong in stereo vision -- the shading looks different in the left and right eye view, producing a weird "velvety" look.

Volumetric Fog at Ultra really slurps down the juice, so a more modest setting there serves you well.

If you do run your G2 (...or any other "non-SteamVR-native" headset) through SteamVR, you can nowdays save some performance by bypassing SteamVR, cutting one "Middle man" out of the supply chain (you lose SteamVR overlays and settings), using the "OpenComposite" wrapper: https://mbucchia.github.io/OpenXR-Toolkit/opencomposite.html

That site will also give you the "OpenXR Toolkit", which you can use to add a bit of post processing to the frames, and to possibly reduce the rendering load a little, through "fixed foveated rendering", which makes the game's shaders skip pixels out in the periphery of the lenses, where a reduced resolution is a little less noticeable.

At the end of the day, though: Yes - the game does eat a lot of cycles, and Odyssey leans heavier on the CPU too, and not just the GPU.
spot shadows are currently off as they flicker far too much etc.
Can I ask how you’ve managed that? My graphics options only allow me to set spot shadows to Low in Odyssey and I’d love to be able to get rid of the flickering until FDev get around to fixing the issue (I’m not holding my breath 😅).
It's in Live. Here's a screenshot of FPSVR, in-game preset VR Medium. I scoured around youtube, and someone made a video 2 years back with a 3090/Reverb G2 and several games, including Elite (back then, it was pre 4.0). Most of the games he looked at were getting a solid 90FPS, Elite got 65. Makes me think this is normal, and Elite is just super extra demanding on the GPU?

View attachment 341522

Pre-4.0 won't be comparable. Even showing the same stuff at the same settings, 4.0 is much slower than Horizons.

Anyway, at 100% render resolution you're pushing upwards of 4k resolution worth of pixels with two view ports that have to double up on geometry and a few other things. It's quite demanding.

Only thing I can really suggest is to max out the power limit on your GPU, enable ReBAR via NVIDIA Profile Inspector, set performance texture filtering in the NVIDIA control panel, and start turning down more expensive in-game quality settings one by one. Dump DoF; reduce volumetric/effects, ambient occlusion, bloom, and shadows.

Can I ask how you’ve managed that? My graphics options only allow me to set spot shadows to Low in Odyssey and I’d love to be able to get rid of the flickering until FDev get around to fixing the issue (I’m not holding my breath).

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