4 Things Needing to Be Changed or Added

After lots of deep diving into the latest clips of Planet Coaster 2, I have 4 cons that I think need upgrading before the release of the game or future updates.

1. The graphics/Contrast is a bit disappointing. Definitely an upgrade from the original, but a downfall compared to Planet Zoo. Looking at the trees and nature, i can't figure out what it is. I'm thinking the contrast just isn't there. Everything just seems too bright and poppy. I am hoping there may be cloudy weather to bring in that more realism and contrast. This is a minor thing, the other 3 points are bigger for me.

2. Waterpark Change Rooms. I see lots of complaints on Youtube videos on this issue and for myself, I'd have to agree. They are identical to toilets and don't have that changeroom vibe. I've been to many change rooms at water parks in real life and they look nothing like on the game. Hoping this could change.

3. Slingshot flat-ride. Probably the most famous flat-ride there is and still doesn't appear to be in the game. Hopefully a future DLC?

4. Shop fronts. It seems they're returning exactly the same as the previous game which can be a bit annoying having to build around them all the time, where in Planet Zoo, they have a few different options for food, drinks, balloons ect. I'm hoping they add different options for this game.
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Definitely agree with #4, I was excited to see the upgraded shops in PZ, so it's really disappointing not to see them in PC2. For me personally #2 change rooms isn't a big issue, I'm not sure what they could do differently that wouldn't in turn bring on complaints that it's too big, or difficult to theme around. Yes, they could spruce them up a little to look different than the restrooms, but there's a limited amount of things they can do in a limited amount of space to mask the peeps instantly changing garments. I can understand people wanting something to distinguish between the two, but just not sure what that could be within the limitations. Perhaps with the new pathing we can line up a row of changing rooms side-by-side easier, then build walls around and a roof over to simulate better a full sized changing area if wanted?
After lots of deep diving into the latest clips of Planet Coaster 2, I have 4 cons that I think need upgrading before the release of the game or future updates.

1. The graphics/Contrast is a bit disappointing. Definitely an upgrade from the original, but a downfall compared to Planet Zoo. Looking at the trees and nature, i can't figure out what it is. I'm thinking the contrast just isn't there. Everything just seems too bright and poppy. I am hoping there may be cloudy weather to bring in that more realism and contrast. This is a minor thing, the other 3 points are bigger for me.

2. Waterpark Change Rooms. I see lots of complaints on Youtube videos on this issue and for myself, I'd have to agree. They are identical to toilets and don't have that changeroom vibe. I've been to many change rooms at water parks in real life and they look nothing like on the game. Hoping this could change.

3. Slingshot flat-ride. Probably the most famous flat-ride there is and still doesn't appear to be in the game. Hopefully a future DLC?

4. Shop fronts. It seems they're returning exactly the same as the previous game which can be a bit annoying having to build around them all the time, where in Planet Zoo, they have a few different options for food, drinks, balloons ect. I'm hoping they add different options for this game.
I think the planet zoo modular gift shops should definitely return. They were a great revolutionary feature and would feel right at home in the planet coaster world.
I think i saw that there will be Shops without a "Box" Basically just a Vendor with some sort of Table in Front of him. #2 Isn't a big deal for me either, since that will get Themed up anyway, so i can basically make them look as i want. Like with the Toilets before. In my eyes you won't really see the actual magic box the Guests go in to.
2. Waterpark Change Rooms. I see lots of complaints on Youtube videos on this issue and for myself, I'd have to agree. They are identical to toilets and don't have that changeroom vibe. I've been to many change rooms at water parks in real life and they look nothing like on the game. Hoping this could change.

In PC1 (I don't play PZoo so I've no experience there) the Restrooms, 1st Aids, and Staffrooms -- these 4x4x4 blocks are intended to represent entryways into a larger space behind/over/under them. You see a family going into the Restroom, they're not all crowding into the single stall behind the blackout effect, that represents several stalls, probably split into men's on one side and women's on the other, maybe some family/unisex rooms with diaper-changing stations in between.

I won't say they have to be built like that, there are plenty of 4x4x4 Restroom buildings in the Steam Workshop. But have you ever seen people waiting outside of a PC1 Restroom or 1st Aid because it's full? Ever see them walk away from one because it's full? Ever see “I couldn't get into Bog 23, it's full!” in someone's thoughts? I'll put a single Restroom on a path that forces guests exiting a coaster or track and 2-to-4 flat rides past it -- unless I'm charging too much money for it then every guest/group with a high enough bathroom need coming from several rides exiting near-simultaneously will go in, none of them turn away no matter how many of them there are.

But in what I've seen of PC2, there are guest groups waiting outside of the changing room blocks, looked like one guest comes out and then the next goes in. I've seen plenty of complaints 'bout PC1's black-box method for these (especially for Hotels and Restaurants), so I can understand if they're trying to improve in PC2. But if each represents a single stall? The final versions for single-guest use better be significantly smaller than 4x4x4! o_O
I think that everything that's possible in PZ is possible in PC2 as well. Why should they develop stuff for PZ and just hide it for PC2? If it's not included at release they'll add it later...

I wouldn't have a closer look at graphics and contrasts while they're showing dev builds...

Changing rooms do need to look different from toilets (they even were ugly before).
There should be something based on the entrance of custom restaurants in PZ...
(Normally water parks are completely separated from theme parks and not included). For PC2 I would be fine with an entrance to the water park section. Don't they need to pay to use it?

The sling shot is just a money making top up and not casual to theme parks (maybe popular on fairs). Absolutely no throughput. There are so many rides which need to get included before a sling shot will appear on that list.
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In PC1 (I don't play PZoo so I've no experience there) the Restrooms, 1st Aids, and Staffrooms -- these 4x4x4 blocks are intended to represent entryways into a larger space behind/over/under them. You see a family going into the Restroom, they're not all crowding into the single stall behind the blackout effect, that represents several stalls, probably split into men's on one side and women's on the other, maybe some family/unisex rooms with diaper-changing stations in between.

I won't say they have to be built like that, there are plenty of 4x4x4 Restroom buildings in the Steam Workshop. But have you ever seen people waiting outside of a PC1 Restroom or 1st Aid because it's full? Ever see them walk away from one because it's full? Ever see “I couldn't get into Bog 23, it's full!” in someone's thoughts? I'll put a single Restroom on a path that forces guests exiting a coaster or track and 2-to-4 flat rides past it -- unless I'm charging too much money for it then every guest/group with a high enough bathroom need coming from several rides exiting near-simultaneously will go in, none of them turn away no matter how many of them there are.

But in what I've seen of PC2, there are guest groups waiting outside of the changing room blocks, looked like one guest comes out and then the next goes in. I've seen plenty of complaints 'bout PC1's black-box method for these (especially for Hotels and Restaurants), so I can understand if they're trying to improve in PC2. But if each represents a single stall? The final versions for single-guest use better be significantly smaller than 4x4x4! o_O
I agree if there is some sort of Limit in these Boxes i wouldn't like it either. Gameplay trumps realism in my opinion, so i rather prefer the old infinite Box Method.
"2. Waterpark Change Rooms. I see lots of complaints on Youtube videos on this issue and for myself, I'd have to agree. They are identical to toilets and don't have that changeroom vibe. I've been to many change rooms at water parks in real life and they look nothing like on the game. Hoping this could change."

Maybe a better solution is if its a box like this, maybe be a 'walk-through' box (in one side, out the other) instead of a in/out box like the bathrooms?
I feel like I am in the (at least being vocal about) minority when it comes to the changing room design. Just like I have always done with the current restrooms, I plan on 'hiding' the changing rooms inside constructed buildings with a path from the outside so that the entrance is out of view from the exterior. And honestly the changing rooms I've been in are just sex segregated locker rooms (male and female) where you go in, change, store your clothes, and leave so I guess I'm not able to picture what others are having in mind as well. The current design seams like an effective [rated G for everyone] way of accomplishing peeps changing clothes. Of all the critiques with what has been revealed, this is something I would rather not be changed in lieu of other things such as flat ride footprint size reduction. Just my own personal opinion :)
I don't mind the box changing rooms as like wyldremix, I'll be hiding them inside a building just like I do with the toilets. But please, Frontier, please don't make them 4m high. It always restricts your options when trying to make a realistic toilet/ changing room building.
4m is far higher than most one storey floor plans.

Something not quite so tall would be wonderful.
I don't mind the box changing rooms as like wyldremix, I'll be hiding them inside a building just like I do with the toilets. But please, Frontier, please don't make them 4m high. It always restricts your options when trying to make a realistic toilet/ changing room building.
4m is far higher than most one storey floor plans.

Something not quite so tall would be wonderful.
I agree with both Nemmie and Wyldremix. Like i mentioned for me personally it doesn't matter what the actual changing Room looks like, because i will cover that up anyway. Changing Rooms can look very different to one another, depending what country you are in and in which Waterpark you are. For example: My best experience with Changing Rooms so far has been in Rulantica. You enter a corridor that branches off into different Rows, each one has Changing Rooms (that are not specified for male or female... you will see why in a second)

You basically enter on one side of the changing room, change there and exit on the opposite side. Right after the Chaning Rooms are Lockers that you can unlock with your Rulaband (basically a Bracelet with a Chip in it.) and then you go your merry way to the showers.


So i maintain that the current Version of the Changing Rooms might be the best of both Worlds, where you can make them look however you want from the Outside. And yes if they are less tall that would be Fantastic as well.
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Volunteer Moderator
I don't understand why they add a resort theme but there isn't a hotel feature (even not the black boxes from PC1)... That makes no sense.
Is it possible that they wanted to have hotels from the beginning but noticed that it won't be ready then...?
It's an odd choice indeed.

It's far from confirmed but im kind of sure they will add something related to hotel's / resorts with DLC.
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