4 Week Expo Trip - To TRIFID and back, more or less...

First, a PSA (public service announcement): If you have your computer output to a tv/monitor via HDMI, set your graphics for "dynamic range" to "full". See here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=232207

Ok, this was my third real exploration trip. I went out to the Trifid nebula, sidetracking a few times for other nearby things to see.

$65 M profitssss earned.
82 pgs of systems to sell.
2 HR, 5 Min to sell data.
$538 K - biggest single system payout.
Too many to count bonus of ~ $20-40K each for FTD (First to Discover).
$39 K Biggest FTD bonus.
6 ELW's found with FTD.
Went from 8% Ranger to 28% Pioneer.
27 Days in real life time.
5 Days, 21 Hr in game time (141 HRs).
5.2 Hr/day played, avg.
0.46 M / HR profitsss.
Level 2 scans never changed.
Level 3 scans went from 27K to 72K.

I sold my data at a FED system/station. No change in Rank. My rep did go from 75% to 100% for the Fed.

Later, I'll add a pic of the ELW that gave me that 39K FTD bonus. I may add a few more pics, but I didn't really see anything people have not seen before.

I took a SRV, but never landed. I just did not see a reason from risk/reward standpoint.

I stopped at about 7 'salvageable wreckage' at various points during the journey. Always found large/small data cache worth 10k/3k, and illegal (stolen), so I dropped them as they were not worth the risk/reward. After that, I just ignored them.

On my last trip, I earned about $4M/week. This trip, it was 16M/week. Why? Because:
- I did not scan anything that looked like a rocky/icy body this time. i.e. did not waste ANY time on worthless (literally 0 cr) bodies.
- This time, I long jumped (max distance) to an area where bodies did not have a FTD marker, then explored via hopping (most economical jumps). i.e. I spent most of my time scanning bodies that were likely to end up with a FTD bonus.
- If I started to see bodies that others had already discovered, I made a 90 degree turn and explored (long jumping) until they went away. Then I resumed travel in my original direction via hopping.

Given that this trip took 141 in game hours, that I earned about 0.5M/hr and that I have 72% (75M) to go to Elite, I will likely never be Elite in Exploration. If I tried, it would take about another 150 in game hours exploring to get there. By my "do I want to do this" formula (Rewards+Fun)/Time, I don't think I want to do that. Who knows I guess. If they ever add something to exploring, maybe I will try.

Happy exploring.
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