45FPS Vive

So I got the Vive back in July, when I connected it to my machine (i5 2500k OC 4.3GHz and a GTX1080) I was able to get the full 90FPS everywhere when I had the settings at low (with a few upped like shadows and texture quality). Fast forward to today (well last night), I hadn't played for ages so wanted to have a go again in VR. I was dismayed to find that no matter the settings I pick, I am stuck at 45FPS all the time. I am at a loss, I have the settings lowered as far as they will go and I get nothing. Those settings on my monitor lead to FPS levels of 150-200! Anyone have any suggestions as to what may be amiss? Like I said it all worked great at first :(

I have a reasonably fresh install of Windows 10, latest drivers for the 1080. The game is only just about playable like this and only for short amounts of time as I end up motion sick because the screen is jumping so much.
Sounds like the asynchronous reprojection is kicking in, have you tried turning the interleaved reprojection off in Steam Vr settings ?

You can mess with the various steam settings whilst running the game and see what suits
They recently (Horizons 2.2) updated the graphics, I would say high resolution textures but that may not be 'technically' correct, some kind of mapping or something like that. I'm not using VR and I had to turn a setting down to run at acceptable framerates.
Thanks for the replies. Turns out I had both type of reprojection on and that tanked my FPS. having just async and I am hovering around the 90FPS again. All is happy :D
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