60,000Ly and less than 1/6th into my trip

So I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Was shocked to see that I'd travelled twice the distance to Sag A* already having only gone along one arm.
Currently scanned over 3000 systems in the 3 months I've been travelling (lost 3 weeks due to lack of internet so it's more like 2 months).
Journey Map.jpg

I'm looking for upwards of 20,000 Systems by the end of the trip and profits in the range of 500 to 750mil. Will probably take me until 2017 to finish unless I power through it but here we go.

Wish me luck. I'm aiming to see if I can power to the galactic core by next week and do a bit of a detour to meet with the Distant World expedition. Will see how that goes since work is killing my gaming time at the moment :(
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That's an epic quest, and quite possibly could put you in the record books as the longest duration expedition ever once you get back home.

Good luck o7 :)
Meant to say I already have over 7.5Gb of screenshots and am keeping a log of discoveries and a journal type entry thing. This thing is becoming a monster :p
I will probably put something together for a proper post when I'm on the final leg of the trip :D

Good luck CMDR !
If you're "nearby", say hello to my black hole at PLA AICK GA-A E1 !

Thanks, sadly I'm 4000Ly away and backtracking since I packed my Anaconda so full it's down to 28Ly and I'm struggling to bridge the gap between the arms :( On the up-side I've got 8 SRV's so I'm covered for any mishaps should I find an inviting canyon to drive into.

That's an epic quest, and quite possibly could put you in the record books as the longest duration expedition ever once you get back home.
Good luck o7 :)

Thanks, call me crazy but I also plan on using the Li Yong Rui bonus when I get back. I'm already planning on an all nighter (and possibly all weekender) to the core tonight if possible to meet up with DW if possible before taking it slower again and swapping back to economical for a while. Not sure how long DW is around the core though...
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wow! super massive undertaking!

good luck

(the DW fleet is at SA* until Sunday and then, i guess, we'll be around and about for a few days
wow! super massive undertaking!
good luck
(the DW fleet is at SA* until Sunday and then, i guess, we'll be around and about for a few days

Yeah I just had a look, I'm 35,000Ly and in a 28Ly Anaconda meaning with perfect jumps I have 1250 jumps to do. Realistically its closer to 1400. Assuming 45 seconds per system (optimal) that's 17.5 hours of gametime!

So yeah, I'll report progress tomorrow but I'm already having a few doubts :D
As an update I've now backtracked over 5000Ly towards Sol and still can't cross the gap between the arms. Looking at star density I'll have to backtrack another 13,000Ly making the total distance a whopping 38,000Ly on top of the 5,000 I've already done.
I'm going to play hopefully until about 9-10pm tomorrow with a few sanity breaks and a shopping trip to stock up on coffee, snacks and energy drink. That gives me around 20 hours playtime which is pretty insane but I'm going to give it my best efforts because why not :p

Will need to sleep Saturday night and I'm out most of the day on Sunday but if I can get close to the core then I'll attempt to catch the DW group on Monday/Tuesday after I finish work.
So I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Was shocked to see that I'd travelled twice the distance to Sag A* already having only gone along one arm.
Currently scanned over 3000 systems in the 3 months I've been travelling (lost 3 weeks due to lack of internet so it's more like 2 months).

I'm looking for upwards of 20,000 Systems by the end of the trip and profits in the range of 500 to 750mil. Will probably take me until 2017 to finish unless I power through it but here we go.

Wish me luck. I'm aiming to see if I can power to the galactic core by next week and do a bit of a detour to meet with the Distant World expedition. Will see how that goes since work is killing my gaming time at the moment :(

Stick with it man. I will say this, it gets really really tough sometimes to stick to the plan. I left the bubble on OCT 5th of last year and am going to stay out for a minimum of 1 year. the first three months were TOUGH. especially with the expansion that came out but now I am heading into month five and I have hit my stride and am having a lot of fun just doing my thing. I will say that some days it is tough to hit my quota. When I play I try to make a minimum of 100 jumps which in my asp totals about 3000LY but hey it is still fun even if it gets hard some times.

Stick with it man. This is the one and only time you will make this trip. You will never make this same trip again so enjoy it, stick with it, but most importantly have fun with it.

p.s. the trips you make along the galactic arms are LOOOOOOONG the Perseus arm is going to be a bear.
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Wow, this's an epic struggle! Especially considering the repetition factor: jump in, dead stop, scan star and vicinity, possibly ogle some nearby rock, jump to next system. There are some 10 types of stars so one system is much like the others (unless explored)...So, what keeps you going and I don't mean the Fuel Scoop?

I myself started ASP-ing towards a nearby nebula only some 30 jumps away and I'm a little bored, frankly, scanning most of the objects in each system. Did I miss some part of the gameplay?

Oh, heard there are black holes somewhere. It's the same deal as with suns? The engine drops you at a specified distance / gravimetric value (?) close but safely away from it or you could just jump out inside the accretion disc and it's bye-bye?

Haven't yet seen a single pulsar so far, even on map. All the better, perhaps, as it would probably vaporize me instantly were I to jump in next to such a beast..

So, what is there to break the tedium?
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Update on progress: 30,000Ly to Sag A*

Wow, this's an epic struggle! Especially considering the repetition factor: jump in, dead stop, scan star and vicinity, possibly ogle some nearby rock, jump to next system. There are some 10 types of stars so one system is much like the others (unless explored)...So, what keeps you going and I don't mean the Fuel Scoop?
I myself started ASP-ing towards a nearby nebula only some 30 jumps away and I'm a little bored, frankly, scanning most of the objects in each system. Did I miss some part of the gameplay?
Oh, heard there are black holes somewhere. It's the same deal as with suns? The engine drops you at a specified distance / gravimetric value (?) close but safely away from it or you could just jump out inside the accretion disc and it's bye-bye?
Haven't yet seen a single pulsar so far, even on map. It would probably vaporize me instantly were I to jump next to such a beast..
So, what is there to break the tedium?

Yeah, I didn't quite realise that the outside ring of the galaxy is so long. :p Either way I will stick with it, I've made a plan now.
True you can see it as very repetitive, although the same can be said of anything really (combat/mining/trading etc) - This even reads across to other games like Call of Duty is just killing people and then doing the same but more efficiently with better weapons :D
In any case I started off in 2015 with set goals on my first 2 trips, reach X nebula, get to Y distance from Sol etc.. Not too much in the middle but jump-jump-jump. That got me to Elite rank and now I've taken a step back and looked at why I play Elite. To be honest I play for the technology and what FD are trying to achieve since it's fairly incredible given the stage pc's and that were at 20 years ago. From that I've taken quite an interest in the galaxy creation and procedural generation aspect. I love finding new things like huge planets with 19 Earth masses but only 2G. Or a planet that's 5 times the size of Earth with just 20% of the Earth mass meaning it could be a hollow shell. There's actually quite a lot of interesting stuff if you are obsessive enough to read into the text and see it as more than just a game. In terms of generation it's also highly accurate with the correct star-types in the right places etc.
You haven't really missed much in terms of gameplay and currently both black holes and Neutron stars can be a little lackluster apart from the black holes in nebula, they are fun.

In any case my tips are:
Most of the time I explore a few hours at a time, recently I've been doing 1 day Elite and 1 day on Xcom2 or Fallout4 or whatever else. Keeps it fresh.
I often have comedy/films/series/music or live-streams/podcasts on a 2nd monitor. Not always for example SRV driving I need full concentration but a distraction is sometimes nice and it allows me to catch up on episodes and things I've missed.
I also mix CQC and planet driving in every 1->2 hours.

Mainly though I explore for the screenshots and jawdropping moments knowing I was the first to see this. (Or more recently I was the first to see X from planetside - Betelgeuse, Mintaka B, Fine ring etc).
Some of the highlights from my current trip:

It's also a little nice to see your name on things and think "even if I stop playing, my name is written in the game forever".

Finally I've started a real job recently and am no longer a student, this may well be my final long-distance exploration trip as I look towards possibly getting a family or doing more things irl. Want to go out with a bang while I have time so that if I'm restricted to Barnards loop and the local area I won't have many regrets that I didn't get chance to see some unique stuff. :)

Overall I'd advise even those who hate exploring manage to get to Barnards loop, Mintaka B (black hole) and Vy Canis Majoris or Betelgeuse at least once in their Elite career. They are all within a few hours round trip and are worth visiting.
Backtracked another 4000Ly.
Got stuck trying to cross too early, had to spend a few hours planetside getting jumponium to get back. Does not look like I will make it to the core this weekend, I've actually gone backwards since 4am and am now 31,000ly away from Sag A*.. :(
Just keep scooping, just keep scooping. Try not to look at the distances, its like looking down when you re climbing a mountain. I will be joining the Carinii Sagittarius mission when I get to Beagle point, so our paths may cross.
Current location:

Had to backtrack so so far it's unreal. As a big FYI to other explorers thats the last point you can safely cross with a 28Ly ship and even then there's a ton of unscoopables in the gap (as science says there should be :p)

Haven't made it anywhere near as far as I planned but I'm now estimating about 7 hours gameplay to Sag A* (~22KLy). Will blast a bit more tomorrow morning and try to get real life sorted quickly so I can catch up with the DW groups on Monday/Tuesday before they jet off towards Beagle point and away from my planned trip route.

Thats good advice Whiterose although I do tend to check every time I plot a route, I did have one embarrassing incident where I plotted a route in the direction I'd come from by accident. Only realised 300Ly later when I hit a system I'd already explored :p Feel free to add me if you wish, i'm the same name in-game but without the space iirc. :)
Further update: 13,000Ly to go to Sag A*.
ETA is 10pm if I keep the current rate up. I think it will probably be tomorrow after work before I get there though given I need to make food and do a few other things today :p

Still not a bad distance for a weekend. Since setting off in Dec i've covered over 100,000Ly.


Final update on this thread

It's been one crazy weekend.
Made it to 8,000Ly from Sag A* by 10pm on Sunday. Obviously disappointed I didn't get there but I've decided to join the distant worlds Expedition to Beagle before breaking off back to my own trip. I looked at my stats and in one weekend I've travelled through 2500+ systems and 45,000Ly.

Stats Friday 9:48pm (4 hours into trip), I estimate those 4 hours to be about 150 systems and 4,000Ly.
Stats Sunday 10pm:
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