4.0 Access on PC: FAQ

Bruce G

Greetings Commanders,

Earlier this month we shared this post which described our plans to make 4.0 available to all PC users. We’d like to take this opportunity reiterate the purpose of this option and answer some of your questions. To that end please, read this FAQ on our website:

As always, thank you for your feedback and please ask any further questions you may have down below!

What about C+P? Will this be harmonised between versions or will 3.8 be the place you go to push wanted ships into the nearest ravine?
Thanks for the post!
Is there a post regarding Known Issues and their acknowledgement to the team coming soon as well?

Bruce G

Thanks Bruce.

Would it be possible to consider in future allowing instancing between 4.0 Horizons and 4.0 Odyssey when in CQC mode (and maybe even 3.8 as well)? None of the CQC mode itself is Odyssey-specific or contains any Odyssey content, and the mode has been suffering badly since the initial Odyssey release from not having a unified queue.
It's not a bad idea and would definitely help with matchmaking. That said, it's not ideal to have cross-instancing available in one game mode and not others. I don't imagine we would consider this for 3.8 when we'd prefer people move onto 4.0.
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