a few ideas FD can consider to add

1. More commands for SLFs like Support/escort targeted wingman (support works like only attack a red target of said Teammate and escort works like the defend command but instead of the owner the Wingman would be defended( very interresting if said Teammate is a beginner or flys a Transportship)).

2. let us use 2 SLFs but not without the need of a Module i would name something like "Extendet Fighter Controls" to balance it a bit after all in this case we lose 20% from payouts if we use well trained elite Pilots

3. since multicrew is more or less dead in most cases many multicrew only turret weapons are useless. Maybe if they add a module like in my second idea let us call it " Crew Gunner Controls" they can allow to use an NPC Pilot to use them as Turrets. same thing like in my second idea it would take away more money from the Payouts and put the 3 Pilots you can take to some use

in case 2 and 3 it takes a module slot and We all know sometimes that lack of armor can make the difference between life and death

4. Electronic Support Measures and Counter Measures
Support Modules: so that you can build something like an Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AWACS) Ship. Which for example can share its long range Radar with wingmates or can if the owner allows it take over the SLFs from the Wing to use them as a fighter wing. for Balancing i thing these modules must be equip instead of size 3 or 4 weapons (thats my opinion after seeing 4 fighters (1 with multiguns,2with plasma repeaters and 1 beamlaser) rip apart an elite anaconda in seconds)

Counter measures: something like radar scramblers with a Range and used temporaly like the Shutdown Field Neutraliser

5 a huge ship class (cost 500.000.000cr with stock gear) with the ability of an ship bay for one small ship that can be used by th SLF pilots or the Player . but you have only one on board and it can be repaired as long as it is docked. if it is down you must pay the normal rebuy for the small ship and pilot , maybe a bit more like a fee for the delivery of the ship.
maybe the ability for a second ship bay (but only one ship can be used by the npc at any time) but allow other players to use free bays for on battlefield repair and rearm their weapons if you give them permission to dock. for Defence maybe multiple Shieldgenerators and/or powerplants like with the Thargoid hearts
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