Actually, with the Overhead calculation, which makes every control System cost 62cc/week outside of 'profit' from the galaxy map, it means the system will cost -72cc every week.
It's gotten to the point
where the 5th column activists are bragging about it, because the way the game mechanics function,
you are rewarded more for ruining someone else's day than for working for your own Power.
It is pretty funny. FDev supposedly has an "Imperial Bias" that increases the personal rewards of every pilot pledged to ALD, but this so-called bias also placed 4 competing Powers in a region of space a quarter as densely populated as Federation space. Power Play operates purely on a basis of population, distance, and player contribution. Thank the gods that ALD has had enough helpful player contribution to keep us competitive for the past 20 weeks, but now there are no more systems left. The only "good" preparation targets left are over 150Ly away. And since Expansion cannot actually be stopped, and overtime you enter Turmoil, even a beneficial one, the game gives every single play a worried message to go fix it...
It is pretty much an unending cycle that should see every Power with more than a dozen players collapse down to their 25cc upkeep systems, eventually.
Oh, and Oxbow? If you wish to further discuss Lavigny preparation targets, and help the Power this week, please, direct your attention to
this post.