A mode we really need

We really need a pure offline mode, I'm sorry but this is my first 'complaint' about the game.
I've loved every second of the game since I bought it and yes even the 'bouncing off the walls' learning to dock time at the beginning.

But I had an afternoon off today so planned to binge on Elite but alas no, I've constantly been getting connection problems and no it was not my net as I could still browse, watch youtube and access other online stuff just fine when I tried.

Its been like that for the last 4+ hours for me, if I enter SC I get connection error 30 secs later, head to a planet and connection error, hyperdrive and connection error. :(

Now I know it's not always like this but my planned afternoon was trashed and if we had an offline mode at least we can play when there are server issues? I wonder if Frontier would consider looking at this?

Robert Maynard

Volunteer Moderator
Offline mode was not initially part of the Kickstarter pitch (in November 2012) but was added to the pitch about half way through the 60 day pitch period. It was sadly cancelled prior to the launch of the game (launch was December 2014) which caused a large amount of upset to some backers.
I too would like to see a full offline mode--I'm currently on holiday with spotty to zero internet access and I've got a major craving for some space truckin'. I understand why it doesn't currently exist, but couldn't our play data be merged in to the simulation the next time we play online? Or if not, how much of a difference would it make if offline players just didn't affect it at all?
It won't happen because Braben was upset by the amount of piracy his previous games suffered from.

I'd love an offline version.
Offline mode was not initially part of the Kickstarter pitch (in November 2012) but was added to the pitch about half way through the 60 day pitch period. It was sadly cancelled prior to the launch of the game (launch was December 2014) which caused a large amount of upset to some backers.

Dang, really? Why was it cancelled?
Offline mode was not initially part of the Kickstarter pitch (in November 2012) but was added to the pitch about half way through the 60 day pitch period. It was sadly cancelled prior to the launch of the game (launch was December 2014) which caused a large amount of upset to some backers.

Large indeed - I remember a lot of refunds being asked for and some incredibly bitter posts. If memory serves me correctly (and i could be wrong) Customer Service ignored correspondence for months. At the time I decided to steer clear of the game as I really didn't want to be forced into multiplayer. FD has come a long way from this state of affairs thankfully.
They decided an offline mode wouldnt really work. They werent very happy with the how the offline would have worked. Alot of the BGS and events requires online.

I think I would have prefered a solid focused SP game with added MP, rather than a focused MP game.
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