A way to give incentive for PVPing.

A simple way to increase combat payout, give a person the cost of their own ship's rebuy, plus the rebuy of the destroyed ship as winnings when a player is killed. This would making it so the bigger the ship, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.
You would have gank Cutters in every high traffic system unfortunately. 60 million rebuy for my Cutter means I won't care what I kill.

I'd invert it so you earn more for killing something in a Viper.
Lol it's not the pvpers you need to incentivise it's the potential victims. Now if they got a buff or two for being in the open then yeah up rewards for ship bashing....both ways...bounty hunters killing hobos should be paid more than anyone. Must be clean.
Also a record of noterity like a criminal record should be kept. Based on that perm notoriety
People don't PvP because it pays well, they do it because they want to. It would be nice if it could be given meaning in the game, as indirect PvP via factions is, but I don't think it needs to be incentivised.

Success is it's own reward imo, and competing against other players is something that can done endlessly even after so many assets have been accumulated the numbers become meaningless.
A simple way to increase combat payout, give a person the cost of their own ship's rebuy, plus the rebuy of the destroyed ship as winnings when a player is killed. This would making it so the bigger the ship, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.

Wow, this was a thoughtful suggestion....

A change that would have a better chance to actually incentivize PvP would be do waive the rebuy cost for the looser, now more people could try PvP, without having to risk alot of rebuy costs. it would still not make unwanted PvP against traders, explorers, etc less painful, as we have not dealth with all the other costs these players suffers from getting killed. like lost cargo, failed missions, lost exploration data etc, but these players are not interested in PvP in those ships anyway....

Now this is just a suggestion to promote ganking... So it is easy to get over 11 million rebuy on a FDL, and just doing newbie bashing in this one, you get rewarded with 11 million for every time you kill a sidewinder... with just about zero risk.... that is not promoting PvP, that is encouraging ganking... hitting weak ships...
And if change this up to a Cutter, you can easily get a rebuy that is over 84 million and still hit all the easy targets for close to no risk at all.... so if manages to find 4 player per hours, that would mean some 340 million credits/hour...

And this is not even starting to think about teaming up with a friend, who get a cheap sidewinder, and let you kill him over and over, I guess you can kill him every 5th minute, giving you some free and easy cash of around 1 billion credits/hour!!!
I doubt people avoid PvP due to the rebuys. It's more likely that PvP is just not their playstyle, and is seen as more of a nuisance than a feature. It's that way for me. PvP is a bother, an inconvenience, a hinderance to the co-op play I generally look for. And unfortunately, a meta PvP ship is absolutely useless for anything other than combat, so I am unlikely to ever even be in one when someone decides to drop by to get their murder on..
I am not sure what incentive one could offer me to willingly engage in PvP. Everything about it is so narrowed to the meta in an even match up that it's just not fun. Uneven matchups are even less fun. The one incentive I would want, giving me the time wasted on it back, is not a possibility.

That said, I am not against some sort of incentive to play PvP.
Though I would probably go with something similar to MechWarrior 2's "Star Underweight Bonus". You accrued Honor faster if the mechs in your star came in under a certain total weight. Giving more Xp towards ranks, influence, reputation, and/or a bounty bonus modifier of a few to more than a few %, or bonus Arx based on a ships "score", would be interesting. The lower your ship's "score" the higher the bonus modifiers. The higher your ships score the lower the modifiers. You could even drive the winners modifiers negative if the winners ship had to high a score compared to the losers.

A ship's score would be figured based of it's size, number of hard points, number combat and defensive modules fitted, and engineering levels.

I still would not likely be interested in PvP though.
I think the game should really capitalize on the inherent Cops v Robbers potential it has.

Some of the potential ways to do this:
  • make piracy more profitable
  • make PvP bounty hunting more profitable
  • create areas, where cops v robbers gameplay is more likely to happen
  • fame for the most notorious criminals and effective bounty hunters (leaderboards, galnet articles)
I think especially the third point not only requires more detail, but also has the most potential and can address the first one at the same time. Currently, notorious commanders can fly around without having to worry about law enforcement, or facing trouble refuelling and repairing etc. This should change. A notorious enough commander should be actively hunted down and lose all access to stations in lawful areas. If a famous pirate or murderer shows up in a lawful system, not only should NPC law enforcement actively pursue them, but also other commanders should be alerted to their presence, giving "white knights" a much needed tool to hunt down the bad guys. In addition to this, the fringes of the galaxy should have a limited number of "freeports" that not only have a vibrant economy and well stocked ship yards, but also 1) don't care about notoriety or wanted status (except local crimes, since they're bad for business) and 2) have markets which do not care about the origin (stolen or not) of goods and pay good price for weapons, drugs and other widely illegal goods. They should also have exceptional mission boards offering well paid criminal jobs, and perhaps even assasination missions against the most successful bounty hunters. Player-placed bounties could and should be seriously looked into, too.
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