Add Planet Zoo to console

I am a massive fan of the game, but I don’t have the spare money to buy a PC to play Planet Zoo on. But, I do have a PlayStation, which is why I propose the idea of adding Planet Zoo to PlayStation and Xbox
Sorry as of right now they said no console plans. I’m sure someday like Planco it may come to consoles. But will see how Planco goes as it’s still in development I’m guessing. I was in the same position I always had consoles. Of course now the new consoles are coming out next year I believe and I’ve got to say they seem very impressive.
Sorry as of right now they said no console plans. I’m sure someday like Planco it may come to consoles. But will see how Planco goes as it’s still in development I’m guessing. I was in the same position I always had consoles. Of course now the new consoles are coming out next year I believe and I’ve got to say they seem very impressive.
Oh okay thanks
It certainly can happen, if it was possible for Coaster (even though the consoles limit some things, I will always prefer PC), but I dont see it happening any time soon. Maybe in a year or two.
I'm a console player, obviously PC is better but in my country, PC gamers are very expensive, That's why I'd like to see Planet Zoo on the consoles. I believe the next gen consoles can handle the game well
I'm a console player, obviously PC is better but in my country, PC gamers are very expensive, That's why I'd like to see Planet Zoo on the consoles. I believe the next gen consoles can handle the game well
If it ever will come to consoles, I think it would work similar to Planet Coaster console edition - you can build your park to a certain number of objects, than the game stops you from adding more to prevent laggs. If its something that console folks can accept, then great. I hope you will get your wish granted one day. :)
If it ever will come to consoles, I think it would work similar to Planet Coaster console edition - you can build your park to a certain number of objects, than the game stops you from adding more to prevent laggs. If its something that console folks can accept, then great. I hope you will get your wish granted one day. :)
Thank you! Have a nice day!
I’m honestly happy PZ is not on console atm. This would almost definitely guarantee the dlc content and support is over. I’m hoping at least 2-3 more yrs before a console port is even in the discussion. No disrespect to console players but more pc support means a better game in the end for you guys too.
I understand! Makes sense
PC Gamers seem to be a dedicated hardcore group. It is really great that some of these games do port over to console very well but who saw what happened to Blizzard Entertainment over the Diablo 4 fiasco? And I am not sure they've ever properly recovered.
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