Add "Toggle" option to the moving forward on foot control binding

Are you sure you're not spamming the left shift key to get running again, that brings up a sticky key prompt on my system.

The default action for bringing up the sticky key prompt is in fact 5 consecutive presses on the shift key, it does exactly that on my system as well, so 5 presses with no other action will activate that popup, however it has never, and I do mean never, popped up while I am in game, so there must be some odd setting in the OP's keybinds or keyboard settings that is causing it. Since we don't have access to those we are essentially guessing.

As can be clearly seen in the image in post #13 - the box to enable that is unticked.

Can we please forget about the sticky keys warning* - it is a diversion from the actual suggestion - to enable a toggle option in the move forward control binding.


* It is not as if it happens all the time, just randomly every so often - I really REALLY REALLY wish I had not mentioned it at all.
As can be clearly seen in the image in post #13 - the box to enable that is unticked.

Can we please forget about the sticky keys warning*

this is the internet, these things, once said, cannot be forgotten, but just fyi it's all turned off on my system as well, but still popped up after 5 consecutive presses on the shift key, and with that, I shall never mention it the crow said, nevermore!
The default action for bringing up the sticky key prompt is in fact 5 consecutive presses on the shift key, it does exactly that on my system as well, so 5 presses with no other action will activate that popup, however it has never, and I do mean never, popped up while I am in game, so there must be some odd setting in the OP's keybinds or keyboard settings that is causing it. Since we don't have access to those we are essentially guessing.
FWIW, I play in windowed mode.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind at all being able to point my toon and press a key which makes him start walking instead of holding one down..
Some of the rest of us just use the throttle of our HOTAS.

Most underrated comment of the entire thread.

I knew there was a reason I didn't use an axis setting but today I checked to make sure the reason was still valid.

If you want to use the HOTAS throttle axis to provide the forward movement then you are limited to it being a full-range axis - so for me that is a pain as I use throttle in forward only setting so no centre detent. I tried it today and got fed up with it.

So if they let the on foot move forward axis be able to be set to forward only as per the flight throttle setting then that would be great too.

ed axis.jpg
I knew there was a reason I didn't use an axis setting but today I checked to make sure the reason was still valid.

If you want to use the HOTAS throttle axis to provide the forward movement then you are limited to it being a full-range axis - so for me that is a pain as I use throttle in forward only setting so no centre detent. I tried it today and got fed up with it.

So if they let the on foot move forward axis be able to be set to forward only as per the flight throttle setting then that would be great too.

View attachment 394954
I use full-range I think. It's the option that lets me stand still at zero and walk/run/tiptoe forward and backwards. Works very well for me.
A toggle movement key would be nice. As it stands, since I often don't have my HOTAS plugged in while playing Odyssey, on those rare occasion when I want an auto-walk feature, I put a physical weight on my keyboard.

As for sticky keys, it's an annoying feature and one of the first things I disable when installing Windows.
I'll have to check that out, never used it. Is it safe to have running with an online game?
I don't use it either, I was just satisfying my curiosity. It's just a middleman between your keyboard and the OS so it doesn't affect anything beyond that. I don't wanna comment on how Frontier might regard macro use though. It seems pip macros (with AutoHotkey) are accepted and this is much more innocuous.
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