Advanced navigation and exploration HUD

Just brainstorming. Much of these ideas have been suggested already, I'm just sketching them on the HUD.


- Orbit lines that do not disappear for lack of speed or switching to normal cruise
- Orbit direction
- Body number/letter. Body count is made with a honk of ADS, so I see no reason not to disaply it right away, and having it on the HUD would prevent one from constantly switching to System Map
- Permanent display of next plotted jump + distance + primary star type. Allows for anticipation: one doesn't have to spool the FSD or open the GalMap to know what's coming next
- Star type and luminosity class. Instead of having to open the GalMap...



- Orbit lines, orbit directions, body letter/number
- System plane layout, with distance indicators (red)
- Angle indicator for in-system ship coordinates (green; arrow means clockwise)
- Coordinates of ship's localisation in the system (degrees+elevation relative to system plane in light-seconds; + or -)
- Schematics of the system map on the left, with current targetted object, landables in green, current localisation (if within x distance of a body); could be filtered for starports only, etc.
- Body indicators for an easier and quicker navigation (in purple); could be adapted for starports



- Ship coordinates, system schematics
- Body type that does NOT disappear when the surface approach thing appears
- Quick snapshot at what rare mats are available on the body (or something)
- Equator and poles displayed
- Surface marker
- Distance counter to marker
- Direction indicator for surface navigation


Previously mentionned stuff:
- Nearby bodies indicators
- Next plotted system info (dist. + star type) in the bottom left hand corner
- Direction and distance indicators for surface markers
- Deep space ship coordinates

Cleanup from the game HUD:
- Removed all 'NONE' bits, because useless
- Removed the next system info box displayed when charging the FSD when outside the bubble, because it's then useless
- Removed 'INFO' from the info tab (top right), because useless, and moved the clock next to the ship name; which is limited in character number, so shouldn't be a problem
- Moved the warning to the top center of the HUD, so it doesn't mask info anymore
- Removed the useless '1 year' from the target indicator, replaced with a more useful star type, for a quick check at the last second if not done before without needing to cancel the jump
- Removed the HEAT and SCOOP RATE bars; HEAT is redundant, and RATE has been moved to the bottom right corner; colour-dynamic, green indicates optimum rate
- Removed the USELESS lamps on each side of the dashboard, as well as the two LED-something rectangles on the left and right edges of the dashboard. Who drives their car at night with the interior light on?....

New stuff from left to right:
- (invisible) Comms box designed for legibility and message stacking, not NPC avatar gallery
- Simplified and dynamic system schematics. When targetting a star, it shows the stars in the system; rest of the bodies (if any), indicated by a body icon and '...'. When targetting a planet, stars disappear and leave room for a list of bodies (see previous mockups), with '...' if room is lacking. The green indicator shows the presence of body/ies (or, if in planet mode, which body/ies) matching the schematics filters: say one wants to find ELWs, they check the 'Water presence' filter, and if some is present in the system, it will show up on the schematics (and on the Nav panel - I should mock it up soon). A simple honk gives us a visual map of the whole system, so no reason not to be able to detect water that way. Would tag GG with water-based life, WWs, ELWs; same principle with metal, ammonia, etc.
- Summary of astronomical info of the targetted (and scanned) body. Class, subclass, luminosity class, full name; age, mass, radius, temperature, orbital period, semi major axis > stars. Type, radius, mass, blah blah and RARE MATS at least > landables. All values rounded up if needed to save room.
- Tagged/untagged indicator. All in the name of opening the SysMap as a last resort!

- Longitude/latitude indicator. More legible and simpler with dynamic +/- indicators to help orientate the ship, relatively to its direction. Supplementary to surface markers, when not used.
- Clear and difficult-to-miss gravity indicator. Because what's the nonsense behind hiding one of the most vital information when flying a spaceship on dozens of planets. Colour-dynamic: green up to 1G, orange from 1 to 2G, red from 2 onwards.

- Boosted jump range estimates for all boost levels, based on the availability of at least 2 boosts (forward and back, just in case, because we want SMART ships) and the current base jump range. So it varies with the amount of fuel in the tank. Which should prevent explorers to grab their calculator or do approximate math when trying to reach very distant systems.
- Fuel Warning indicator. Checks that the ship can jump at least twice the full-tank jump range with the current amount of fuel. If not, warns.

I also thought (but forgot to mock up) of a sort of 3D corridor, like a simpler version of the docking corridor for SLFs, that would show the optimum trajectory for fuel scooping. 'Cause why not.

- I shall mock up the Nav panel soon, but basically, the main thing would be to remove the system name from bodies names when in a system (clogs up the planel for no reason at all, really), leaving only A1, A2, even if the body hasn't been scanned (see previous mockups).
- Take advantage of the room to display the body type once known (although as mentionned, the honk as it currently is should be able to provide a very basic indication of it), and then, for example, the rare mats. Smart ship, once again.



- No biggie, just the star class and luminosity class on the Sysmap
- The distance for ALL orbiting bodies, which includes the brown dwarfs!



- Useless info removed when not pertaining
- Star types in the system added on the map, to avoid constantly switching from Route to Info tabs and back
- Bit of vertical grid (no reason not to!)

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Agree with all the points, very good suggestions.

I like this game and enjoy playing it but in terms of usability and usefulness its interface is a pure disaster. Of the games i ever played only ESO was even worst...
Most of the interface elements are big and in the same time provide little to no useful information. Just taking space on the screen. In the same time elements which should be always in front of the pilot's view are hidden somewhere in sub-sub-menus and we need to distract ourselves from piloting while looking for them.
FD should take their cockpit interface designer to the cockpit of a real passenger or fighter plane to see how it looks like and how it is organized [mad]
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Haha, cheers!

Yeah, it's *cough* totally not credible *cough* being able to travel lightyears in seconds and not having a well-designed compass. For the screenies, I reverted from my 85 FOV to the default FOV (60), and that was a shock. Such a narrow FOV, and everything was so big :S I can't keep from comparing to EvE's interface (the other extreme), which can hold a tremendous amount of information in a tiny space. Different styles. But still, too much huge capitalized text!
Lovely concepts! As a perma-explorer I'd pay loads of CR and even a few bucks for a dedicated explorer HUD like this.

...and yeah, hire this guy - I bet he'll even throw in a new FD-logo for free ;)
Lovely concepts! As a perma-explorer I'd pay loads of CR and even a few bucks for a dedicated explorer HUD like this.

...and yeah, hire this guy - I bet he'll even throw in a new FD-logo for free ;)

Can we have it on a hot switch as well? When I am in explorer mode extra tools are nice, but sometimes I go all touristy and things like orbit lines and extra information I would find irritating. So press to toggle explorer HUD, BOOM all gone. There's extra stuff in the 2.3 beta we haven't seen yet, maybe they have been keeping a surprise for us explorers, here's hoping.
Can we have it on a hot switch as well? When I am in explorer mode extra tools are nice, but sometimes I go all touristy and things like orbit lines and extra information I would find irritating. So press to toggle explorer HUD, BOOM all gone. There's extra stuff in the 2.3 beta we haven't seen yet, maybe they have been keeping a surprise for us explorers, here's hoping.

Yeah, I forgot to write it, but most of the nav stuff should be switchable. Another cool thing (albeit useless) would be a 3D layout of the shipping lanes from the ship to the starports and stuff; sort of like the current car HUDs or Augmented Reality concepts.
I'd add the planetary info to be displayed in the "info" panel after being scanned, so we don't need to go to the system map just to check gravity, TFC or not, and mats available.

On a side note, orbit lines used to be persistant. Which numpty though removing them at low speed was a good idea? The same person that thought activating orbit lines in the debug cam was clever? Said person needs a clip behind the ear for going to work drunk.
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Great concepts (+1 Rep).

They would all be great additions.
What I find particularly frustrating of the current implementation is the "Unexplored" label which would be best replaced with a "B 5 1 [Unexplored]" When Explored the details of weather the detailed surface data are available or not should be on the side panel in a similar fashion as what the OP proposed

I would also add to the list of desiderata:
- a to scale 3D system map, similar to the Galaxy map, which shows the actual position of the planets. It would be very useful to plot the optimal journey to visit multiple locations in the system
- User definable surface markers and associated navigation tools
I would also add to the list of desiderata:
- a to scale 3D system map, similar to the Galaxy map, which shows the actual position of the planets. It would be very useful to plot the optimal journey to visit multiple locations in the system

The orrery system map was part of the early concept (you can easily find a picture of it) but was unfortunately abandonned... OTOH, it could be much longer to load than our current sysmap :D

- - - Updated - - -

I'd add the planetary info to be displayed in the "info" panel after being scanned, so we don't need to go to the system map just to check gravity, TFC or not, and mats available.

On a side note, orbit lines used to be persistant. Which numpty though removing them at low speed was a good idea? The same person that thought activating orbit lines in the debug cam was clever? Said person needs a clip behind the ear for going to work drunk.

- Indeed, with a simple trick called *smaller fonts* :O
- They did? Dang! I cannot fathom a single good reason for them to disappear at low speed!

On the topic of font size, if I had to guess I'd say that they planned the game to be on consoles at some point, and thus the text must be legible even on an old not-full-HD-not-flat TV. I'm not totally convinced though...
I approve, have rep.

As a noob explorer I find it faintly comical that I seem to be constantly switching between screens to find out fairly basic info about the system I'm in. But hey, people want long hair and important stuff like that. Speaking of which, there should be a default explorer CMDR with big scruffy beard, shaggy hair and a thousand yard stare in their slightly mad eyes, I could just upload my passport photo.
Fine-tuned the HUD. Not everything is meant to be displayed at once, as you'll notice, but that gives the general look of it. I made it with my usual HUD colour and FOV, so don't mind it if it's a bit tiny for reading.

Previously mentionned stuff:
- Nearby bodies indicators
- Next plotted system info (dist. + star type) in the bottom left hand corner
- Direction and distance indicators for surface markers
- Deep space ship coordinates

Cleanup from the game HUD:
- Removed all 'NONE' bits, because useless
- Removed the next system info box displayed when charging the FSD when outside the bubble, because it's then useless
- Removed 'INFO' from the info tab (top right), because useless, and moved the clock next to the ship name; which is limited in character number, so shouldn't be a problem
- Moved the warning to the top center of the HUD, so it doesn't mask info anymore
- Removed the useless '1 year' from the target indicator, replaced with a more useful star type, for a quick check at the last second if not done before without needing to cancel the jump
- Removed the HEAT and SCOOP RATE bars; HEAT is redundant, and RATE has been moved to the bottom right corner; colour-dynamic, green indicates optimum rate
- Removed the USELESS lamps on each side of the dashboard, as well as the two LED-something rectangles on the left and right edges of the dashboard. Who drives their car at night with the interior light on?....

New stuff from left to right:
- (invisible) Comms box designed for legibility and message stacking, not NPC avatar gallery
- Simplified and dynamic system schematics. When targetting a star, it shows the stars in the system; rest of the bodies (if any), indicated by a body icon and '...'. When targetting a planet, stars disappear and leave room for a list of bodies (see previous mockups), with '...' if room is lacking. The green indicator shows the presence of body/ies (or, if in planet mode, which body/ies) matching the schematics filters: say one wants to find ELWs, they check the 'Water presence' filter, and if some is present in the system, it will show up on the schematics (and on the Nav panel - I should mock it up soon). A simple honk gives us a visual map of the whole system, so no reason not to be able to detect water that way. Would tag GG with water-based life, WWs, ELWs; same principle with metal, ammonia, etc.
- Summary of astronomical info of the targetted (and scanned) body. Class, subclass, luminosity class, full name; age, mass, radius, temperature, orbital period, semi major axis > stars. Type, radius, mass, blah blah and RARE MATS at least > landables. All values rounded up if needed to save room.
- Tagged/untagged indicator. All in the name of opening the SysMap as a last resort only!

- Longitude/latitude indicator. More legible and simpler with dynamic +/- indicators to help orientate the ship, relatively to its direction. Supplementary to surface markers, when not used.
- Clear and difficult-to-miss gravity indicator. Because what's the nonsense behind hiding one of the most vital information when flying a spaceship on dozens of planets. Colour-dynamic: green up to 1G, orange from 1 to 2G, red from 2 onwards.

- Boosted jump range estimates for all boost levels, based on the availability of at least 2 boosts (forward and back, just in case, because we want SMART ships) and the current base jump range. So it varies with the amount of fuel in the tank. Which should prevent explorers to grab their calculator or do approximate math when trying to reach very distant systems.
- Fuel Warning indicator. Checks that the ship can jump at least twice the full-tank jump range with the current amount of fuel. If not, warns.

I also thought (but forgot to mock up) of a sort of 3D corridor, like a simpler version of the docking corridor for SLFs, that would show the optimum trajectory for fuel scooping. 'Cause why not.

- I shall mock up the Nav panel soon, but basically, the main thing would be to remove the system name from bodies names when in a system (clogs up the planel for no reason at all, really), leaving only A1, A2, even if the body hasn't been scanned (see previous mockups).
- Take advantage of the room to display the body type once known (although as mentionned, the honk as it currently is should be able to provide a very basic indication of it), and then, for example, the rare mats. Smart ship, once again.
- One for the system map: the distance for ALL orbiting bodies, which includes the brown dwarfs!

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Just brainstorming. Much of these ideas have been suggested already, I'm just sketching them on the HUD.


- Orbit lines that do not disappear for lack of speed or switching to normal cruise
- Orbit direction
- Body number/letter. Body count is made with a honk of ADS, so I see no reason not to disaply it right away, and having it on the HUD would prevent one from constantly switching to System Map
- Permanent display of next plotted jump + distance + primary star type. Allows for anticipation: one doesn't have to spool the FSD or open the GalMap to know what's coming next
- Star type and luminosity class. Instead of having to open the GalMap...


- Orbit lines, orbit directions, body letter/number
- System plane layout, with distance indicators (red)
- Angle indicator for in-system ship coordinates (green; arrow means clockwise)
- Coordinates of ship's localisation in the system (degrees+elevation relative to system plane in light-seconds; + or -)
- Schematics of the system map on the left, with current targetted object, landables in green, current localisation (if within x distance of a body); could be filtered for starports only, etc.
- Body indicators for an easier and quicker navigation (in purple); could be adapted for starports


- Ship coordinates, system schematics
- Body type that does NOT disappear when the surface approach thing appears
- Quick snapshot at what rare mats are available on the body (or something)
- Equator and poles displayed
- Surface marker
- Distance counter to marker
- Direction indicator for surface navigation

Previously mentionned stuff:
- Nearby bodies indicators
- Next plotted system info (dist. + star type) in the bottom left hand corner
- Direction and distance indicators for surface markers
- Deep space ship coordinates

Cleanup from the game HUD:
- Removed all 'NONE' bits, because useless
- Removed the next system info box displayed when charging the FSD when outside the bubble, because it's then useless
- Removed 'INFO' from the info tab (top right), because useless, and moved the clock next to the ship name; which is limited in character number, so shouldn't be a problem
- Moved the warning to the top center of the HUD, so it doesn't mask info anymore
- Removed the useless '1 year' from the target indicator, replaced with a more useful star type, for a quick check at the last second if not done before without needing to cancel the jump
- Removed the HEAT and SCOOP RATE bars; HEAT is redundant, and RATE has been moved to the bottom right corner; colour-dynamic, green indicates optimum rate
- Removed the USELESS lamps on each side of the dashboard, as well as the two LED-something rectangles on the left and right edges of the dashboard. Who drives their car at night with the interior light on?....

New stuff from left to right:
- (invisible) Comms box designed for legibility and message stacking, not NPC avatar gallery
- Simplified and dynamic system schematics. When targetting a star, it shows the stars in the system; rest of the bodies (if any), indicated by a body icon and '...'. When targetting a planet, stars disappear and leave room for a list of bodies (see previous mockups), with '...' if room is lacking. The green indicator shows the presence of body/ies (or, if in planet mode, which body/ies) matching the schematics filters: say one wants to find ELWs, they check the 'Water presence' filter, and if some is present in the system, it will show up on the schematics (and on the Nav panel - I should mock it up soon). A simple honk gives us a visual map of the whole system, so no reason not to be able to detect water that way. Would tag GG with water-based life, WWs, ELWs; same principle with metal, ammonia, etc.
- Summary of astronomical info of the targetted (and scanned) body. Class, subclass, luminosity class, full name; age, mass, radius, temperature, orbital period, semi major axis > stars. Type, radius, mass, blah blah and RARE MATS at least > landables. All values rounded up if needed to save room.
- Tagged/untagged indicator. All in the name of opening the SysMap as a last resort!

- Longitude/latitude indicator. More legible and simpler with dynamic +/- indicators to help orientate the ship, relatively to its direction. Supplementary to surface markers, when not used.
- Clear and difficult-to-miss gravity indicator. Because what's the nonsense behind hiding one of the most vital information when flying a spaceship on dozens of planets. Colour-dynamic: green up to 1G, orange from 1 to 2G, red from 2 onwards.

- Boosted jump range estimates for all boost levels, based on the availability of at least 2 boosts (forward and back, just in case, because we want SMART ships) and the current base jump range. So it varies with the amount of fuel in the tank. Which should prevent explorers to grab their calculator or do approximate math when trying to reach very distant systems.
- Fuel Warning indicator. Checks that the ship can jump at least twice the full-tank jump range with the current amount of fuel. If not, warns.

I also thought (but forgot to mock up) of a sort of 3D corridor, like a simpler version of the docking corridor for SLFs, that would show the optimum trajectory for fuel scooping. 'Cause why not.

- I shall mock up the Nav panel soon, but basically, the main thing would be to remove the system name from bodies names when in a system (clogs up the planel for no reason at all, really), leaving only A1, A2, even if the body hasn't been scanned (see previous mockups).
- Take advantage of the room to display the body type once known (although as mentionned, the honk as it currently is should be able to provide a very basic indication of it), and then, for example, the rare mats. Smart ship, once again.


- No biggie, just the star class and luminosity class on the Sysmap
- The distance for ALL orbiting bodies, which includes the brown dwarfs!


- Useless info removed when not pertaining
- Star types in the system added on the map, to avoid constantly switching from Route to Info tabs and back
- Bit of vertical grid (no reason not to!)

Man I can't rep you, so +vRep
Well. Having different HUD modes is currently a thing, it would make players happy, it wouldn't break any unwritten Elite "law"... it could be time consuming to program, that's a given...
Well my virtual appreciation is here.
Wish I could give you more rep! We are sorely lacking in basic navigational instruments, which FD decided to make up for by making things appear automagically in a list. That still doesn't even cover the most basic "I'm over at this particular asteroid, come find me" situation. I'm sure it was to make it easy to jump into, but the ADS is not "basic equipment", so why not make it a gameplay mechanic??
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