AIs in Elite Dangerous

So as many of you may be aware, AIs are globally banned in the Elite universe. However, that doesn't really strike me as feasible, given how fragmented humanity is. AIs existed before, and according to the TTRPG book, some of them still do exist (See the "GL779 Intellipistol" on pg 106 of the core rulebook). I think a better way to explain their absence might be something like this:

Seed AIs (AIs that can continuously self improve ad infinitum) have been attempted, but never gotten right. They always destabilize or go crazy or accidentally kill themselves and/or their creators. This would make it so you don't see any such AIs out in the world because their existence is always ephemeral.

Artificial General Intelligences (AGIs) with roughly human level intellect could exist. The fact that even AI pistols exist suggests there's no technological hurdle to making this level of intelligence. However, given the nature of the Elite universe as a whole, it would make sense that most polities would not recognize AGI as citizens/persons. The Empire doesn't even grant the poor universal rights, much less an artificial being. The Federation probably would just have them be purpose-made for some role in a corporation and they'd never see the light of day. I think the Utopians probably should have some recognized AGIs, that'd make sense.

Lesser AIs are universally not recognized as people, being barely sentient, much less sapient, and are just treated like computer software. This ought to be featured a bit more widely, like give it to SLFs, or do something with Project Bulwark (remember that CG? Whatever happened to it?)
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All we know for sure as canonical information about AI in the ED universe is what we can read for the in-game description of the "AI Relics" commodity:

A collection of highly illegal AI remnants. These items are of extreme interest to various shady organisations and remote cults. Their almost mythical status has led to a huge amount of counterfeiting, further inflating the value of items with a clear and proven history. It is uncertain whether any of these pieces actually retain the AI personality that was originally present within.

AI relics are illegal to sell everywhere except Anarchies. We don't know when functional AI were created, nor when or under what circumstances they were universally banned. I strongly suspect that the "AI ban" in ED is simply there as "placeholder lore" to explain why so many things in the ED universe aren't automated (like the lack of fully combat capable ship autopilots).

From non-canonical secondary sources, I believe SIr DB himself or one of the Devs said that there was some kind of AI War at some time in the past centuries, which the humans won, and thus humanity acquired a phobia of AIs that persists to this day. There could, nevertheless, be a remnant of those rogue AIs out there somewhere - probably hiding in one of the permit-locked regions. I don't think anything more definitive has ever been said about such a war.

Sub-sentient computer intelligences exist - we have one in our ships, the COVAS, which is given a "name" and is capable of minimal conversational input and output. A COVAS can fly the ship under very restricted circumstances (docking and takeoff, and coming to and from parking orbit) but cannot do combat or general navigation. According to the in-game description, which every COVAS personality says to you on acquisition:
Greetings, Commander. This is {insert name of COVAS entity here}, your cockpit voice assistant, also known as COVAS, installed to provide systems information and analytical support throughout your journey. I'm issued as standard by the Pilots Federation in accordance with statute B7249 of the Interstellar Transit Charter. It should be noted that for insurance purposes, it is illegal to travel in most systems without the use of COVAS technology.

So, far from being restricted, sub-sentient AIs are mandatory on spaceships. What's not clear is exactly where and how human civilization draws the line between compulsory sub-sentient AIs and illegal sentient AIs. It seems to be hardware related; the "AI Relics" description implies that there is some physical piece of hardware that true AIs require, without which an AI can never become truly sentient.
All good points. I dunno, it just seems odd to me- there's close to 80 billion people in the top 10 Anarchy systems, there must be somebody willing to give AGI another go. I kinda wish they would just openly automate a lot more things, what we see done in the games is all handled by the player's computers and servers. I wouldn't mind an "AI Pilot Module" to take over for the SLF instead of paying a cut of my everything to a human pilot.

That said, COVAS strikes me as a computer program with text to speech rather than any sort of AI (which is a program that learns, not just processes data). It doesn't get better at its job or have distinct personality beyond the choice of voice.
Plot twist...all CMDRs are artifical general AIs of varying capabilities, but don't know it!

Considering the typical gameplay loop, this is most logical.

I can't speak for everyone, but I have 5 AIs spread across 8 ships. Each with their own unique personality.
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