Horizons All Things Considered.... I'm LOVING 2.1! Great Job Frontier Teams! :)

Yes... There are a few rough edges I have already fallen victim to. (Meta-Alloys required for FSD Upgrades = DOA) And a few more minor issues, but I have to say.... I am IMPRESSED with 2.1!

For example... I just picked up over 1.2 million CR in TWO local delivery missions, FROM A PLANETARY OUTPOST! :O [yesnod] [big grin] [up]

Don't know about you guys... But in 2.0 I was lucky to find a 100k Rescue Mission from ANY Planetary Outpost, leave alone any decent GROWN UP mission assignments! ;) This one change in missions alone has totally opened up Planets as viable destinations instead of strictly sight-seeing stops on the way to your legit destination!

The new mission system design is SO MUCH nicer than the tired old BB of the past, not to mention the new UIs all over this update! Along with the new Comms chatter during landings and take-offs, the game is finally starting to feel ALIVE!

I just wanted to take a moment and post a positive thread like this to let the Frontier folks know that all these positive changes, and all the obvious hundreds upon hundreds of man hours it obviously took to create all this, has not been lost on me! And I trust I can speak for the majority of the PC and Xbox One communities! :D

I do have a few bones to pick here and there, but I have decided to shelve those issues tonight and just enjoy myself exploring and taking in 2.1!

THANK YOU! It was definitely worth the wait! :)
I also want to say 'thank you'. 2.1 will give me a lot of fun for months.

I am happy i cant gain everything in one day.

The thing what i like so much is new AI. Now the word Playing versus Environment getting a new meaning. Now Environment could be challenging, flying on RES will encourage people to wing up.
Player should feel as a vulnerable dust in space, not a master of universe.
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I want to add my thanks to FDEV for an awesome update, I enjoy collecting the materials after havinga white knuckle dogfight with some wanted criminal, gives me a chance for a breather and re-charge my shields.

I forgot about the updated AI so took on an Elite Python, in my Python, and almsot lost my ship, had to jump out and lick my wounds - BRILLIANT!!!!
I've only been on 2.1 for an hour or so and am so impressed with everything I've seen - even the really skillful NPC pirates!

Some of the little touches are amazing, like the Hanger at a small Planetary Base dug underground with raw rock walls. Just adds so much to the game.

Many, many thanks for the fabulous job to all involved.
I'm hoping I can check out some of these new missions tonight. I tried to play last night... undocked from the outpost I had visited last, made two hyperspace jumps, and promptly fell asleep in my chair. :( Must have been the 4 beers I had beforehand...
Just got done adding in all my BOOKMARKS to the Galaxy Map. This is a feature I have wanted since the day I started playing ED way back when. Why it took them so long to implement I have no idea, but it is GREAT to finally have them in the game!

SO EASY to create and edit too! :D

I haven't been able to locate the "NOTES" feature though. ?? I could have sworn I saw that feature demonstrated in one of the streaming videos for the Beta. ?? Did that not make it into the final release, or am I just blind? lol! ;)

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I'm hoping I can check out some of these new missions tonight. I tried to play last night... undocked from the outpost I had visited last, made two hyperspace jumps, and promptly fell asleep in my chair. :( Must have been the 4 beers I had beforehand...

LOL! I have definitely been there! Waking up from a total NOD to find the outpost I was less than 1Ls from is now 565,000Ls away! lol! [haha]

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Loving it as well here — Forget engineer mods! I'm doing interesting missions!

The missions are indeed 1000% improved! In many respects, 2.1 has turned ED/Horizons into a brand new game! :D
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Just got done adding in all my BOOKMARKS to the Galaxy Map. This is a feature I have wanted since the day I started playing ED way back when. Why it took them so long to implement I have no idea, but it is GREAT to finally have them in the game!

SO EASY to create and edit too! :D

I haven't been able to locate the "NOTES" feature though. ?? I could have sworn I saw that feature demonstrated in one of the streaming videos for the Beta. ?? Did that not make it into the final release, or am I just blind? lol! ;)

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LOL! I have definitely been there! Waking up from a total NOD to find the outpost I was less than 1Ls from is now 565,000Ls away! lol! [haha]

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The missions are indeed 1000% improved! In many respects, 2.1 has turned ED/Horizons into a brand new game! :D

Indeed sounds interesting. Just jumped in to try it out. Couldn't navigate from the system view. You can put a blue flag on where you want to go but it seems to do nothing else, your previous target still remains as the nav point. Makes navigation rather difficult. Thought it's either a bug or just another way of selecting as a nav point, but nothing seemed to work. If they took out that ability it was a bad mistake. Time to jump back in and try again. Seems there was a problem with the galaxy map after the previous update that fixed itself the next load....maybe this will go a way also. Just from those few moments some of the subtle changes in the station, atmosphere, sound, docking and the little flight I got in all appear to be an improvement. Wow the AI actually obeyed or appeared to obey station etiquette. Besides the one that flew past almost ramming me.... obviously going over the speed limit.... Station should have lit him up.
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