General Allow another commander to drive my ships and the FC

I'm currently out in the black with my main commander and my alt account commander is sitting in my FC close to the bubble.
I would love to buy a Cobra mk5 and get my alt to bring it to me in the FC.
To do this my alt must be able to drive my new Mk 5 as well.

Sharing ships and an FC between nominated commanders would make life so much more interesting and flexible.
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I'm currently out in the black with my main commander and my alt account commander is sitting in my FC close to the bubble.
I would love to buy a Cobra mk5 and get my alt to bring it to me in the FC.
To do this my alt must be able to drive my new Mk 5 as well.

Sharing ships and an FC between nominated commanders would make life so much more interesting and flexible.
If your Alt brings the FC out to you then you can deploy your Cobra V there for yourself.

Or you could visit any carrier out there with a shipyard.

The issue would be outfitting it.
The problem is that my FC doesn't have a shipyard.
I suppose I could buy an FC for my alt with a shipyard and get her to bring it out to me.
But my alt doesn't have enough credits.

So is there an FC with a shipyard near HD 4194 located at -4986,-2155,-3137 ?

I do have an outfitter on my FC and probably enough stored modules to get it outfitted.

According to the Spansh db, the nearest shipyard is at Dann Barracks in Ceti Sector ZE-A d90 which is 6,144 ly away,
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My own FC doesnt't have shipyard too. I do not want to sell ships in predefinied packages which are not even engineered. Imho FC shipyard should offer possibility to sell or rent engineered ships- that would be real fun for me and probably other players like me who like to engineer ships too. I'm also thinking not only about credits but ARX since there alaways be players who would wish to buy something for real money (this could partialy limit shady and illegal business of selling ingame stuff for real money against EULA which I can see quite often in other games) and ARX sale could be taxed* (tax amount and top price specified by developer).
I do not know how hard would be to introduce ability to sell/rent ships for credits and/or ARX but I suppose some kind of survey from developer side would be required to see how many players would be interested in it and if it is an idea that would bring profit for both players and developers alike.

Edit: *Tax from salles might go into special pool which can be used to issue extra ARX rewards from participating in Community Goals activities, or to issue special rare missions randomly on in game mission boards.

In regards to main topic. Sharing ships: no (unless it is rental), selling engineered ships: yes, shared FC management: yes but not everything- some things like livery, services offered, services suspended should be managed by the owner, others like issuing jump command, managing market can be shared.
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I would like to say also why I am against sharing ships. One day when player is using shared ship there might be discord between two parties involved. In this case owner might like to have ship returned immediately- now what happens if it was explorer ship and other party was on the other side of galaxy? Rental service would be better because it would specify terms of use like rental time and price.
I think the simplest solution would be to add ability to do remote purchase using FC management options. I imagine it could look like this:
1. Order carrier to jump into specific system.
2. Order data link connection between carrier shipyard with shipyard of chosen station. To simplify things ability cooldown can be set to constant time. This can be paid service, offering one purchase with delivery per link.
3. Purchase ship using the same menu as one of chosen station.

The reason for this is simple. Apparently ED universe do not have galaxy wide FTL network transmission method. The only technology available is point to point communication (like quantum entanglement for example) with very limited bandwith- I suppose each time player changes ship special FC communication module is also moving (like ID card). The purpose of data link would be to establish light speed based communication to retreive ship list and place purchase with delivery order.
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