Parks Allure Hills ~ Amusement Park


Hello everyone and welcome to Allure Hills!

Allure Hills is a park I’ve been working on for some time now, both in RCT3 and now in Planet Coaster. The idea and style behind this park has been changed over time, but the main premise of it will always be that it is richly themed. Most themes, areas and rides will be based on real-life rides and park like Disneyland, Phantasialand, EuropaPark, The Efteling and Universal Studios. I will also draw some inspiration from other PC creators ofcourse, since their work is amazing and inspires me so much.

This park will also turn into a Let´s Build Series, even though I have no footage of the already build areas. In the coming videos, I will try to give a short view of the park so far, but you´ll see those in these updates as well. In this first update and video we’ll explore the entrance area of the park:

*Note, most of this is still WIP.


The main street will be a copy from the Buena Vista Street in Disney’s California Adventure, albeit with some minor changes due to the limitations of the game and my skills ;)

The street is going to have lots op entertainment, meet your favorite characters or listen to the amazing San Vicente Barbershop Quartet, walking down the street. Take a ride on the tram and see the street from different angles!


Thanks to AdfoTV and Freethebear I learned to use windows as walls, which made me able to make much better buildings and more versatile shapes like arches. The Five & Dime houses a small grocery store where you can find all sorts of things to enjoy a picnic or you might forgot at home.


San Vicente Boulevard, as this street is called, houses several shops, eatery’s and restaurants and resembles the city of Los Angeles during the 1920’s. After closing hours, most shops and bars stay open for guest to enjoy a drink, snack or full served meal. No rushing home when leaving this park.


The Fiddler & Fifer’s Bakery & Café is one of the biggest eatery’s in the main street. It consists of two types; a small bakery where you can get some fantastic sandwiches or Italian Panini’s, and a bar where you can try some European beers. The outdoor seating area provides a nice view on the Carthay Circle Plaza, with the Carthay Circle Theater in the back which is the centerpiece/weenie of the park.

This plaza has some nice areas to enjoy the jazzy music or relax in the shadows. Sit by the fountain with a look on the theater, or sit down at the gazebo surrounded by trees.


The theater itself can house 1000 people during a show, which plays four times a day (five during the special summer events). Right now the beloved Aladdin show which used to play in the Hyperion Theater over at Disney's California Adventure, plays for our guests. It plays limited time only though, as Disney is not too keen on us using their actors and ideas... :sweat:
Fancy a drink after the show? Be sure to check out the cocktail bar on the upper floor.


From the Carthay Circle Plaza you can go three different directions, which lead towards several of the other areas in the park. When going West, you walk towards Mediterranea and Jungola. Going north you will visit Scandinavia and Mysteria. Finally going East will lead you to Westerea.

Mysteria and Westerea are the most developed areas so far, but we would like to keep that a little ‘surprise’ for now. In the next update, we’ll explore Westerea.

Ending this update, here is the first episode of my Let’s Build Allure Hills series, in which we build to Fiddler & Fifer’s Bakery & Café.

I hope you enjoyed the park so far. Let me know what you think and I hope to see you in the next update!

This is a m a z i n g!!!![woah] It reminds me of buena vista street or other beautiful main streets and themeings![happy] Your style of building is fantastic and ultra inspiring! So much clever usage of all the parts. Arch works and layout design is ultra cool. The look and feel is ultra realistic, which I personally prefer the most![up]
Such projects require a huge amount of time... Hope you have the strength to continue it... And hope the FPS will not drop to much...[where is it]
Keep on that amazing work and I would so much like to see more pics and details... and looking foreward to the first themed attraction!!
A lot of greets![happy] corkscrewloop

[size=14pt]Hello everyone and welcome to Allure Hills![/size]

Thanks for all the amazing feedback I’ve received the past week. It is very much appreciated :)
As promised in the last update, today we will explore Westerea, but not all of it. We start at a small part of that area ‘fans’ like to call Chippers County. Since the rides in this part of Westerea share the story about the famous explorer Davy Chippers fans gave this unofficial name to it.


The area has three rides; the canoes (Davy Chippers Explorers Canoes), a rope-course (Davy’s Tree Adventure) and a Logflume called Langley Falls. The rope-course has three routes, each with a separate difficulty. There is also a playground for the smallest of us.


Langley Falls is a fun logflume which combines darkride part with drops down in the lake. This lumberjack ‘factory’ has been deserted for some years and as adventurous as Davy is, he is always exploring new areas. Join him in his search for adventure!


The station of the ride is themed after a loading dock of the river, where the workers would drop off the trees and go back to the mountain. ‘Chippey’ has found a way to make the water flow again so better hop on one of these giant tree trunks to get to the mountain.
Since I’ve no clear idea what I want to do with the darkride part, I am going to keep that a little secret until I finish the entire ride and publish the POV. So don’t expect a video about the darkride parts until it’s finished. There are going to be multiple darkrides in the dark, so far I have no idea how they are going to look and feel, maybe I will do videos about them, maybe not.


All over Chippers Country you can step in Davy’s footsteps and go on an adventure through the forests. Some paths can be seen from the lake and are easy to access, some are hidden throughout the land. Some of them might even lead to some very special secrets of the park or even some small treasures. Who knows what you might find in the woods ;)


The view from the Davy Chippers Explores Canoes (that sure is a mouthful… haha) entrance is amazing, you can see Carthay Circle Theater in the back. Sightlines are very important for us and we try to get the best views of the most important rides, but also hide the backstage areas so people keep believing this is real, and as Walt would say himself; the magic would stay alive. We try to maintain the idea that all the different lands have their individual world. That way, most of the other lands are not visible from the lands themselves.


There are however a few expectations since rides or buildings (such as the Theater) are too tall to hide from a distance or they have a special function to lure guests in that direction. For example; from the boarding platform, you get a nice view of Mystic Manor between the trees. It’s just a little tease though, next update we’ll explore more of Westerea on the other side of the lake.

Ending this update, here is the second episode of my Let’s Build Allure Hills series, in which we continue working on Langley Falls.

I hope you enjoyed the park so far. Let me know what you think and I hope to see you in the next update!


Hello everyone and welcome to Allure Hills!

As said in the previous update, where we explored ‘Chippers County’, there is one more area in Westerea. It is a little street in a typical western town; lots of wood, shops, rubble and thieves. The town is located at the beginning of the area and you will most likely visit it while entering via San Vincente Boulevard. But first you enter Fort Langhorn.


Fort Langhorn (which name is ofcourse a nod to the fort in Magic Kingdom), is a fort pioneers used to store their stock and weapons, in case some bandits showed up. It seems the town is build right next to it. People tend to live towards a safe spot, eventhough this fort has some hidden entrances.


Comstock Storage is a building with over a hundred lockers so guest can safely hide their stuff. The Mercantile Building right next to it houses a shop where you can buy lovely souvenirs like hats, balloons, (fake)guns and even (fake)pelts. ‘Cause you know, we need some money aye.


On the other side of the street we have the Silver Star Steakhouse and Lucky Nugget Saloon. Get some burgers or beef in the steakhouse or fetch a beer in the Saloon. It sure is a great little place to hang out. In front on the building there is a meet & greet spot where you can go on photos with your favorite characters, but be careful though, not all the characters are as nice as they seem.


The inside of the Steakhouse and Saloon is easy, yet detailed enough for guests to watch around while they enjoy a drink.


Next to the Mercantile Building is the first ride of the area: Bandit Shootout – A 3D experience. This 3D shooter darkride is similar to Maus Au Chocolat in Phantasialand and Justice League Battle For Metropolis in Six Flags Over Texas. The town is overfilled with bandits and the sheriff needs all the help she can get to send them all to jail. Yes, you read that right, our sheriff is a she? Feminist much, duh.


The small pier offers a nice view on the lake and Chippers County, as we said before, sightlines are important to us :) The view is quiet relaxing I have to say.

And as always to end the update, a new episode of Let’s Build Allure Hills. In the third episode, we build the interior for the steakhouse and saloon.

I hope you enjoyed the park so far. Let me know what you think and I hope to see you in the next update!


Hello everyone and welcome to Allure Hills!

Welcome back to Allure Hills, today we explore a new area of the park: Mysterea. Mysterea is one of the smallest, if not the smallest area in the park. It only consists of three rides and a pretty big restaurant and giftshop. Nonetheless, this area is very popular due to one of the main attractions of the park: A darkride called Mystic Manor.


But before we take a look at that: I worked a bit on the mainstreet and entrance area of the park. Thanks to Fog_ the logo of Allure Hills sits now at the front of the park. The logo was made using this amazing font Fog_ released on the workshop:


And thanks to FD7, I was able to upgrade the street itself, the asphalt isn’t looking as shiny as it was before and below the tram track, there now is a brick path covering it – just as in the real Buena Vista Street.


Mysterea can be entered via two gates. The first and main entrance is via the extension of San Vicente Boulevard and the second is via Westerea. Coming from both gates, you get a great look at the Manor, though I need to say, with it being on a hill, it is not easy to miss. Even from walking in other areas.


As said, Mystic Manor is the biggest darkride in the park and therefore the most popular. It’s a fun darkride for all members of the family, though it might get a bit scary, but that depends on the path you are taking.


For the smallest of us, right across the Mystic Manor entrance, there is a small car ride. The ride sure is relaxing, passing by some of the treasures and mystic objects collected by our host. Not so interested in treasures? The nature itself is quite an experience as well. Especially in spring, the flowers really take it to the next level.


Ending this update, let’s take a look at Flight of the Hippogriff, the first coaster of Allure Hills. This small family coaster is a standard Vekoma Junior Coaster and is thrilling enough for the younger kids, but also offers a nice ride for the adults with the nice nature around it and some near hits.

In episode 4 of Let’s Build Allure Hills, we take a closer look at the coaster and see how it is made.

I hope you enjoyed the park so far. Let me know what you think and I hope to see you in the next update!



Volunteer Moderator
Oh man, those creations are off the charts. I <3 the beautiful designs and the passion that you've put into creating that park. Allure Hills looks wonderful and I'd love to visit it someday. [yesnod]

Hello everyone and welcome to Allure Hills!

Oh boy, have I a special treat for you today! The update is a bit smaller but that is mostly because I put most of my time this week into a restaurant. None other than The Explorer Club Restaurant! The restaurant is part of Mysterea and also houses a toilet block and giftshop. The giftshop is basically the exit of the Mystic Manor darkride, which connects the manor and the restaurant.


The restaurant itself has several different rooms to sit at, themed after the lands our host and owner of the manor himself has visited. The food is a mixture between all sorts of Asian and tropical dishes. Try some noodles, rice, papaya or some other fresh fruits. For those who aren’t a big fan of the Asian cuisine, we also have some sandwiches with Peking duck and turkey.


Outside the restaurant is room for kids to play or just sit down and enjoy the calm area. From certain spots, you get a nice view of the manor in the back. The square just on the other side of this planter has lots of benches and places to wait for the other half of the family who don’t like going on Flight of the Hippogriff.


Throughout the area you get some nice views on the manor, and you can get real close to it. Take a good look though, our host might open his curtains every now and then and might even pop up on his balcony. Who knows, maybe he one day opens his manor and gives us a nice little tour to show off his treasures.


In Episode 5 – small celebration hooray – we build the Explore Club Restaurant and start our work on the Archive Shop

*Disclaimer, you might notice some small changes between the video and pictures above. I changed some things after the episode was done to make it look better. For example; the entrance to the restaurant has been made higher then shown in the video to make the scale a bit better in comparison to the mansion. The mansion is still a bit too big compared to the restaurant, so I might go in and change one of those.

I hope you enjoyed the park so far. Let me know what you think and I hope to see you in the next update!


Hello everyone and welcome to Allure Hills!

In this update we finish most of Mysterea, besides the car ride and some foliage work. The Explorer Club Restaurant and Archive Gift Shop’s exterior are now finished with the two towers put on the building.


First off, I finished the outside part of queue. If the line is long enough, you’ll walk through a part of the gardens next to the manor. Our host has placed some statues he bought throughout his journeys over his entire land, but most in this part of the garden.


The restaurant itself will house several of the favorite dishes from our host. During his travels around the world, he tasted lots of food, wine and beers (yes you can get them all in this place) and brought his favorite to the manor.


Even from the brake run of Flight of the Hippogriff you get a great look off the restaurant and giftshop. Note, there is still some foliage left to do on the planters on the left. The idea is to have some small statues/treasures around the restaurant for people to look at and take photos with.


The giftshop has a simple design, with allot of wood, but keeps visitors interested to look around. Spot some of the amazing treasures like the giant Mermaid statue or the bust of one of the oldest ships. Rumor has it, the gold isn’t paint.
People can also buy shirts of the area (and ride) or some small pottery’s, chests and swords and shovels. You know, for going on an adventure and such.


We worked allot on the lighting for the area to keep it as mystical and magical as possible. I must say, I love how it worked out. It gives it a little bit more atmosphere.


I mean, look at that shot! Ain’t that magical?

In episode 6 you’ll see me build the things I have shown above, with lots of interior work.

I hope you enjoyed the park so far. Let me know what you think and I hope to see you in the next update! That said, I am not too sure when that will drop. As mentioned in the video, I am having some struggles continuing this park. Not in any technical difficulties or creative stops, but in making it fit in the park. I have lots of ideas for themes, rides and entire areas of the park and how they should connect, but every time I try to add it to the park, it doesn’t work for me. I think the strength in parks like Disney, Phantasialand, the Efteling and Universal parks is that most of the themed areas work together and brings the park as a whole, or lack any special themed areas and don’t rely on that. For some reason I find it hard to come up with a certain style for a new area that fits the park feeling so far. Since I am having very limit sources when it comes to those style, it isn’t making it any easier for me. As said I want to be more creative on my own and stop doing recreations and as said I will. But in this park it doesn’t work so far.

By any means, this park is far from dead and I really want to finish the areas I have so far and even start on new ones, but I am just not feeling it at the moment. I will try some ideas and start some side projects of which I will upload new videos etc. When I have some new ideas or inspiration for this park I will ofcourse come back to it and work (and release) new content. I hope you guys understand I will do the best I can to work on this project in the future.

What you are building is an own dimension of detail... every picture and movie you share is pure pleasure and fascination... Thanks so much and keep on that awesome work! [happy]
BR corkscrewloop
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