Alphabetic order of Exhibit Animals. Share Money and Scroll Button colour


I got three suggestions.

The scroll bar on the right side when you go to any tab in the bottom, (fx Nature) is nearly impossible to see if I play when its sunny outside.
I think its because its almost the same colour as the background, I'd like to suggest it to be changed to a lighter colour so its easier to see. :)

In Exhibit trading, I'd like to suggest that the animals on the list be put in alphabetic order.
Right now it just seems like a random jumble, and if they were in order like the Habitat trading it'd be much easier to find the animal one's looking for ! :)

Thirdly and last,
I would really really like if It was possible to select to share the money between one's Franchise Zoo's, instead of starting over every time.
I'd like if there were a switch to share both money and credits.

Thanks for reading !
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