Amazing animal sim

Hi. I absolutely love the game and everything you guys have done to make it perfect. However I feel it fair to mention something, A LOT of people online want to make a wildlife simulator where we can just make a huge park and let the animals run free without needing to have keepers or anything (at least a ton of them) including myself. It would be really great if you guys could add a feature where the herbivores will eat the plant life for sustenance and when the predators attack prey they actually can feed off of them and get nutrition rather than just killing them and leaving them. It kinda kills off the idea of creating an amazing national park and letting them run free. I understand it’s a ZOO simulator and not wildlife, but you guys have done such an amazing job with the customization aspects of the game that creating a national park just seems like a logical thing for the fans to do. This is something all of us loved doing in ZT2, and if you guys are really trying to be their spiritual successor as well as do your own thing, this would be a wonderful feature to add. Anyway, again, love the game, and really hope this is something you guys intend on working on 😊
There is a achievment on steam, which wants you to make a big habitat with different species 😉 so I think they already worked on it (we have safari cars)... but other than that, I think more than just one keeper needs to take care of such a big habitat. Right now I think I just saw one Keeper feeding and another cleaning at the same time... with a big habitat and just 2 working Keepers it might be a problem - didn't try that yet.

So there is room for improvments I think, so it really can be done. 🙂
It can be done, but you will need to cull the animals constantly. The population must be kept in a minimum, or sickness will spread. Even if the animals are getting sick, vets will deal with it easily. Even a level 1 vet kan cure every decease within a second without training.If it wasn't so expensive with the current market, I would try it. I had 36 peafowl in an open enclosure once, but that was no fun.
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