An Introduction to Pileus Libertas

Greetings Commanders,

We would like to take a little bit of your time today to tell you about Pileus Libertas, the Libertas Co-operative, Munshin, and manatees.

Pileus Libertas has been a player group for the last 9 months and in that time we have worked to become an integral part of the Aisling Duval community. I’m sure some of you (or most!) may have not heard about us and are unaware of what Pileus Libertas IS. Not to be a broken record but Pileus Libertas is “a co-operative of independent pilots who value free association and freedom of play style.” That is to say our leaders will never force anyone to take a certain action or play a specific way.

Our organization has two main roles to play in the galaxy.

First and most apparent is our role in managing and manipulating the Background Simulation. In the past we sought to promote cooperative governments in systems through Aisling space and beyond. Toward that end, we created our own minor faction in the Munshin system, Libertas Cooperative. Through trade and profit we are able to influence our system of Munshin and expand from there. We are looking to expand our role in the galaxy by inserting cooperative governments where there are none. Why cooperatives? Because we believe wholeheartedly in cooperation as a means to make a great power. Furthermore, we hold the desire to end all forms of slavery. Expanding cooperative governments ends the sale and distribution of slavery and benefits the all peoples in that system.

Second, we seek to ensure better cooperation among player groups. This is a much taller order to fill. All powers are combined of a variety of player groups and shall we become one through the wildcard we would be no different. As such we believe that clear communication and open discussion help serve a power and its players best. When players, groups, and the power do not communicate it leads to rivalries, drama, and confusion. As per our true cooperative nature, shall we become a power we would not be calling the shots without proper discussion from our players. This would help all those who are pledged to know that we are the People’s Power, as we are striving to be.

So some of you may be asking “What’s this whole ‘wildcard’ thing and wanting to become a power?” That’s a perfectly reasonable question! Head on over to this thread [url][/URL] and take a look for yourself!
We feel that Powerplay has become stale and needs some livening up to be interesting again. Frontier has done a great job by introducing The Dangerous Games as a way for the community to decide on a new power! We hope a new power can make Powerplay interesting again and should we gain the popular vote to go on to the next stages of The Dangerous Games we promise to not disappoint!

Want to know more? Ask us questions here in the thread or head over to [url][/URL] or [url][/URL].

Sound like something you want to be a part of? Head on over to [url][/URL] and fill out the forum! We can get you into our Slack where we hang out and talk about everything.

P.S. And here you thought we forgot the manatees, huh? Well Munshin is the home to so many manatees. Literally dozens.
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