Horizons Anaconda + New AI = Great Learning Tool

After about a year in this game, I finaly bought & outfit my 1st Anaconda, just a day or 2 before 2.1 dropped. Being 80% Deadly I was concerned how things would go...

Took my cheaper FAS out into the RES sites to test things out... Had an absolute blast, but didn't last all too long before needing to bug out. Went back to my new Annie and continued on with my pilots career.

My Annie is outfit as a multipurpose, & even has complete mining capabilities built in. It's my all round mission/undermining/... Well.. Basically everything ship.

I learned pretty quick however, that my multipurpose kitted Annie was not the ship for me in a Haz Rez & High Intensity CZs.. So for the 1st time I stayed away from them, and was content in the fact I would need a ship more specifically outfitted for combat to take those on regularly for any real length of time, and would stick to the High RES...

... Well after a good while of doing everything including lots of combat in the Annie, I can safely say that surviving the new AI in the Annie, has taught me a lot in regards to being a better combat pilot, and a considerable deal more about FA Off.

After all this time in the Annie after 2.1 dropped, I finaly took my zippy FAS into a Haz Rez again... Holy cow did my time in the Annie really buff my combat game with the FAS!

ED, if you were a woman, I would adorn you in fine jewels, buy you a house... And let you have the tv remote ;) ... I am in love... Yes I am.
I'm flying a anaconda with 7b class shield, 4 shield boosters. Shields 1000 mj. One class 4 multi cannon gimbaled, 2 gimbals MC class 3. Rest al turrets pulse or burst. 2 c6 shields cells bank. I can perfectly destroy any ship with it. Just use cell banks and mantain your shilelds up. It has more or less 90 dps per second more than a corvette. So you have to learn how to fly big ships.
I'm flying a anaconda with 7b class shield, 4 shield boosters. Shields 1000 mj. One class 4 multi cannon gimbaled, 2 gimbals MC class 3. Rest al turrets pulse or burst. 2 c6 shields cells bank. I can perfectly destroy any ship with it. Just use cell banks and mantain your shilelds up. It has more or less 90 dps per second more than a corvette. So you have to learn how to fly big ships.

Engineer upgraded thrusters on the Annie do a lot as well if you haven't gotten to them yet.
Sure I have to take some more time searching modules. Only power distributor modded at this time. An anaconda with armor plates and military grade armor has more than 5.000 Hp of hull plus 1000 mj of shields.... so... 90 dps of weapons... Only players or wings of IA with big ships can beat you.
Sure I have to take some more time searching modules. Only power distributor modded at this time. An anaconda with armor plates and military grade armor has more than 5.000 Hp of hull plus 1000 mj of shields.... so... 90 dps of weapons... Only players or wings of IA with big ships can beat you.

I've been making surface material runs and doing wake scans for engineers in my for-fun CobraMKIII. I now need some more mats that apparently drop from larger ships. Sounds like I need to rekit my parked multi-role Anaconda and head to a High Res.
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