And the award for best ongoing game goes to...

NMS has a very consistent patching of old issues, iterating/rebalancing current content and still putting in new features ever since it released in that terrible state, nearly 6 years now with 19 major patches released. It has the best part of live service games and it has never charged for anything else besides its base game. It really is an anomaly of the anomalies out there when other companies would have dedicated little, if any, resources after the initial backslash.

I really love ED but it doesn't come anywhere close to that, in any aspect except for the more powerful online component through the BGS/PP features which are what make me stick to the game. It feels like it has on and off periods of development, sometimes even communications blackout. And a very notable lack of iteration and even bug fixing of its current features. Powerplay, a major feature, has gone 3+ years without any notable development now, with a few critical bugs having gone for nearly 2 years before finally getting fixed and that feels to be just because of Odyssey's current "on" development period. Nearly an year of Odyssey now, and the Odyssey system population changes aren't still being properly accounted for CC values.
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It is impressive how HG have consistently been hitting the ball out of the park with their numerous and relatively bug-free updates. Proof if needed that small teams/companies very often outperform larger ones.

They also have an ability to, and focus on making NMS fun to play. What grind there is I personally find pretty minimal, albeit perhaps learning words is a tad tedious.

This award is very well deserved.
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