Animal animation

Because the game is focused on animals, real-life animation must be a priority. It is mostly quite well implemented in terrestrial animals, such as herbivores, but for climbing animals there are some major problems. Most of the time, animals such as cats and monkeys walk near logs or platforms or are suspended in the space between them. The return movements are not realistic, which left an unpleasant sensation when watching. Imagination is not a good substitute for a game about animals. But perhaps the most unpleasant thing is to see animals skating on the ground and intersecting. Often there is no mechanics of real movement and avoidance of collision between animals. I think that these issues related to the realistic movement of animals should be a priority and more programming resources should be invested here.
I've noticed that the clouded leopards were doing a lot of bizarre teleporting moves right after the recent pack launched, though it seems improved now. Still, the climbing animations seem klunkier than the swimming or ground movements in general. I am guessing it's because climbable objects differ a great deal more in size, diameter, height etc., so it's harder to have the basic climbing animation meshing smoothly with every tree etc.
Having similar problem with he clouded leopards, its seems their climbing/jumping animations are always in slow-motion, which looks very weird.
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The collision part has always surprised me too, especially because they have such large hitboxes when it comes to traversability for everything other than their fellow animals. But I don't know enough about coding to understand what it would take to calculate this with several animals moving at once in the same space.
Oh my, the clouded leopards climbing animations are so janky. I was so happy to put them in my zoo, and then I saw them using the climbing structures...yikes.
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