Anyone using Leap Motion controller with Elite?

Rendering hands would be great. I play Elite with an X52 Pro and would love that extra bit of realism - especially if it worked with the HUD panels.
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I doubt there's much chance of that. Maybe someday in Elite: Dangerous 2.
For now I think the best we can do is use gestures to control some functions when you don't have enough buttons on your Hotas.
Not sure it's even possible though. It would depend on the software.
Besides, Voice Attack is probably much more practical.
There is no World of Warcraft 2, why should there ever be an Elite Dangerous 2?
You can use the search tool for this forum, there have been various discussions about leap motion controller. There's a youtube video to find somebody using it just for activating HUD panels in cockpit...
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Here's an example of someone using a Leap with Elite. This isn't in VR but in an extensive custom setup using 3 projectors and a custom built dash/panel system

He uses swipes of his hand left/right to open the system/target panels, something we don't need in VR since we just look at them. Not sure how you'd integrate a Leap into Elite with VR but I'm sure something could be done. I considered getting a Leap when I got my Rift back in April as I wanted something like the Touch controllers. Ultimately I skipped it as I've read a bunch of bad reviews of the Leap in terms of tracking accuracy. It is a $50 (or less) device so you definitely get what you pay for.
I don't have one and haven't used one before, but it occurred to me this might be useful in VR.
I'm sure Elite doesn't support it directly but I assume there's some software you can configure to send keystrokes or mouse input based on gestures.
Their web site shows it attached to the headset so VR applications can render your actual hands in VR.
Anyone try it yet?
I have one, it's not worth getting for Elite. The accuracy is really bad, so you can't manage more than simple swiping motions with it. Maybe future generations will be better, but the current version is largely a novelty. I never did find anything useful to do with it.
I never did find anything useful to do with it.

Do you mean in Elite or in general? Do you also have a VR headset and if so which one? About the only thing I've seen it works okay in was Altspace but as I think Altspace is pretty stupid I didn't see any reason to get the Leap.
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