Arboreal Platform Example + Game Slow Down Point

Hi Frontier Team,

I'm posting this for 2 reasons:

1) I see a lot of people struggling with getting the Arboreal Feeding Platforms to work, myself included.
I attached a screenshot here of where mine is, it's all traverse-able, has a staff path to get to it, a low angle ramp up to it, etc.

2) This is the exact point in my Zoo where the game ground to a halt when trying to place any more habitat climbing objects with X hits a 1 to 3 minute freeze with every new placement now. This has happened in similar zoos of this size/complexity with Paths too.
I'm running everything off or on lowest with these specs:
intel i7-6700 : 2.6 ghz
16 GB Ram
GeForce GTX 1060
All drivers up to date

I've attached the save game file and a screenshot of where the arbo platform is.

Ah, crazy that you're writing this. I have exactly such problems. The only solution I found was to delete all staff paths completely, delete some visitor paths and re-route them. Then it goes again for a while. The paths seem to produce huge memory loops after a while. If I have memory control on, I can also see that suddenly my used Ram rises when I build something new in the park. With me from 2.5 GB PZ normally used up to 26.6 GB. If the game doesn't crash, it goes back down to 2.5GB until I place a new object. Then it starts all over again.
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Have you reported it via the issue tracker? That should be best practice. Also: I'm very sure every thread gets read on here, as we have an awesome community management team communicating a lot with the devs.
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